Tiny's Hope Page 8
“You know I’ve wondered the same thing,” Fury grumbles, sitting back in his chair with his arms crossed. “Ela’s always saying simple remarks about Tiny being special and needs to be protected from the worst in this world, but she’s never flat out said the reasons why.”
“Is she home yet from visiting Ray?” Pitch Black asks.
“No, and until this is done, I want her to stay there,” Fury states with a shake of his head.
“If Ela says she’s special which we all know she is. The woman fuckin’ wanted to leave to keep this very thing from happening and would trade herself in a heartbeat if it meant saving Wren’s life,” I say, clenching my fists on the table.
“What do we know of Tiny’s mom?” Ryder asks.
“Nothing other than her name, according to death records Tiny’s mother died when she was little,” Fuse mutters. “Though the interesting part is her name is familiar.”
“What is it?” I ask furrowing my brow.
“Sarah De Luca,” he says.
“Shit, could she have been related to the De Lucas as in the crime family De Lucas.” Breaker states the obvious.
“From what this says Sarah De Luca’s body was found out near the Hudson River where she’d been dumped. Family later claimed her once she was identified. There were missing person reports filed two years prior to that,” Fuse announces.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. This isn’t good.
Not good at all.
Leo De Luca isn’t a man to go against. We just agreed to a truce with Fèlix DeLancy after years of bad blood sitting between. The thought of having to deal with the De Lucas is not something I want to think about. The De Lucas are the equivalent to the DeLancy.
“Someone needs to contact him and see what we can find out from him,” I declare.
“I’ll do it,” Ryder mutters.
“No need, I can call him,” Steel mutters, sitting forward.
“What do you mean you can call him?” I demand, looking from Steel to his twin brother.
“Not many people know it but Shock and I are his half-brothers.”
I swear you could hear a pin drop at this news.
“You mean you’re a part of the De Luca family?” Tyres asks for clarification.
“Technically, yeah, we are. The old man claims us as his, but we have our mother’s last name and we didn’t want to take what’s Leo’s. He’s worked hard to become who he is,” Shock grumbles.
“Sh–hit,” Pipe mutters with a low whistle.
“I always thought Tiny somewhat resembled our old man’s youngest sister’s portrait that still hangs in the house,” Steel grumbles. “I honestly thought it was just a coincidence.”
This shit is mind blowing.
My mind is reeling as scenarios pop into my head.
“Call Leo, see if you can get him here,” I command.
“On it, Prez.” Steel nods and steps out of the room to make the call.
Sitting back in my seat, I let out a long breath. This whole thing is complicated in itself and keeps getting even more by the minute with no end in sight.
Worst of all, time’s ticking as we get a game plan together for getting Wren back to her dad and Lyrica as well.
Chapter Sixteen
By the time Brielle and I finish getting rooms ready, there’re loud booming voices coming from the main room. This will be the first time I’ve really met the Arizona charter. I mean I’ve met a couple of them as they’ve come here on the occasion but not this many of them. I think the only three I’ve met are Links, Drifter, and Maverick.
“Come on, you need to sit down, Tiny. You’re looking pale,” Brielle urges as she guides me into the main room.
I’m pale?
Probably because I’m scared out of my mind. So much is happening and right now hearing all the loud voices is causing me to nearly have a panic attack. I know here in the clubhouse I’m safe, but we’ve never had this many men here at one time, not even when the Devil’s Riot MC members come down.
“Would you mind keeping an eye on the twins for a little bit?” I ask Brielle as we get closer to the main room.
“Of course,” she says without hesitation.
Glancing around the room from the mouth of the hallway, I find Chains talking with one of the men who’d come in. He’s grinning at the man and not paying attention as Tara, one of the strays, presses herself close to both of them.
What the fuck?
Chains peers down at the woman and frowns, says something and goes back to talking to the man he was speaking with. Tara doesn’t leave them as I’d hope she would. Is she trying to get with Chains?
This can’t be happening.
Shifting my gaze throughout the room, I find where Faith and Angelina are sitting with the kids as Brielle joins them. I glance around the room once more finding Nora under Breaker’s arm with Owen asleep on her chest.
Something about this seems right yet so wrong as my gaze locks back on Tara standing way to close to my man with her hands grazing his arm. He must sense eyes on him as he stops speaking and looks in my direction. Concern filling his gaze as he meets my eyes. Instead of going to him, I break eye contact and turn toward the hallway leading to the room I share with Chains.
Is this how he acts when he’s on a run, allowing strays to touch him and press up against his side?
Tears prickle my eyes, and I don’t understand why I’m so damn emotional. I was never this bad when I was pregnant with the twins. But this past week it’s as if my sex drive is in overdrive and my emotions are heightened to a point I can’t stop myself from crying at the simplest thing.
It’s stupid to think of Chains and Tara. The way he is with me and our family, I know he wouldn’t cheat on me. I also know that Tara wants Chains and every other man here who has an ol’ lady.
I open the door to our room and step inside intending to lie down and try to block out the image of another woman pressing herself into Chains and him not pushing her away.
An arm wraps around my waist, and his body flushes with mine. Shutting my eyes, I do everything in my power not to let the tears fall. Not with him holding me.
“What’s wrong, Bitsy?” he asks gruffly.
Shaking my head, I pull my bottom lip between my teeth.
“Tiny, look at me,” he commands and turns me in his arms until my front is pressed against his. “Why are you upset?”
Again, I shake my head but slowly open my eyes to meet his gaze.
“Baby, I’ve got to get back out there so we can get out of here and go hopefully rescue Wren and Lyrica without either of them being hurt. Now tell me what’s got you upset. Is it that there are people here you don’t know?”
“No,” I whisper, my lip wobbling as my breath hitches. “Have . . . you been with her?” I ask.
“What?” he asks, narrowing his gaze.
“Tara,” I murmur, casting my eyes down to his chin.
“Bitsy, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Why the hell would you ask if I’ve been with Tara?” His frustration becomes apparent.
“I saw the way she was standing with you and . . . you didn’t . . . I . . . she was touching you . . . and you . . . let her,” I blather unable to keep the tears from falling this time as I close my eyes. I try to pull away from Chains but he holds on tight.
“Baby,” he whispers gently and pulls me even tighter into his chest.
“I know it’s all my fault . . . everything is my fault . . . I can’t be mad at you for needing to find someone else as well . . .”
“Stop right fuckin’ there,” he growls, releasing his hold on me and taking a step back in order to cup both sides of my face. “Look at me, Sloane,” he commands.
I do as he tells me to.
“Never, not once since the day you stepped into this clubhouse have I had another woman on my cock. Fuck, baby, you own me just as much as I own you. I may have fucked up once when a week ago I blew up at the news of you being pregna
nt and that was out of fear of losing you. So, Bitsy, I haven’t fucked around with anyone because my cock doesn’t even twitch at the sight of another bitch. You’re all I need,” he declares, pressing his forehead against mine.
“As for all of this being your fault, that’s bullshit. You didn’t cause any of this, and when I get back later, we’re gonna have a long fuckin’ talk about this and then I’m gonna spank your ass for even thinking it.”
Um. Um. Um.
“Is seeing Tara standing next to me the reason you didn’t come to me?”
“Partially,” I whisper.
“What’s the other reason? The men from the Arizona club?” he asks.
“Yes, there’s so many more men than I’m used to in here, but I’d already asked Brielle if she’d watch the twins for a bit so I could lie down after getting all the rooms ready,” I say, giving him the truth.
Nodding, Chains pulls me into him once again. “Alright, baby. Can you come out here for a few minutes and then you can lie down? I want you to meet Marker and just so you know, I told Tara to back off and she didn’t want to listen. She was trying to get in with not just me but with Marker as well.”
“Stupid bitch,” I grumble.
“Yeah, well, can’t get rid of all the strays, baby, but when it comes to you and me, Tiny, you have nothing to worry about. I don’t want or need anyone else. Okay?”
“Okay,” I whisper faintly. “I’m sorry.”
“Nothing to be sorry for, baby, you’re pregnant and feeling the stress of everything going on around here right now. But as of right now, I want you to leave all that shit to me. We’ve got it.”
I nod, believing in him.
Turning us, Chains keeps an arm wrapped around me as he opens the bedroom door and guides me back out to the main room. This time the fear I have of being around these men is gone. All because of Chains. He’s my safe place and I know with him everything will be okay. I just needed him to remind me of this.
Chapter Seventeen
Pulling up in front of the warehouse location I know without a doubt things are going to get complicated. But our plan is solid, and I know we can get shit done easily. It’s only a matter of setting everything into motion.
As we left earlier, I saw the fear starting to seep back into Tiny and it kills me to know she’s feeling this shit deep. Which she shouldn’t have to be feelin’. I felt like shit when I followed her into our room. I noticed right away something was wrong and it ticked me off she would think I’d fuck another bitch when I can’t get enough of her. But I realized where the thoughts were coming from.
Tara wouldn’t leave us brothers with ol’ ladies alone but she hasn’t done anything excessive to be thrown out. Maverick noticed her trying to rub up on me after I’d told her to get away from me. I saw the glint in his eyes and I knew he’d be handling the stray later on in ways for disobeying. He wouldn’t hurt her but he’d make it apparent you don’t go against brothers. I’ve seen him do it to one of the strays at their clubhouse before where he’ll secure them in some way so they can’t touch themselves, then make them watch as he got two or three different women off. The kicker is he’d then make sure that they would go weeks without being able to get off.
I used to participate in the excitement whenever I went. It’s hilarious to see the bitches getting worked up and not being able to get off.
But after having Tiny, my cock doesn’t want another bitch anywhere near it.
“You ready for this, Prez?” Breaker asks as we climb off the backs of our bikes.
“Yeah, are Marker’s men in place?” I mutter.
“All set,” Tyres snarls. Today has been hell on him not having his daughter with him.
“Good, let’s get this done. Guns ready,” I order.
Nodding, my brothers pull their guns out and flick the safeties off.
Quickly we storm the inside of the building. The plan we decided to go with was take them out as fast as possible. Marker’s men were on roof tops with the sniper rifles at the ready for when it came time. He also had others inside who were able to get in without being seen and were ready.
We’d set this plan in place, after explaining to Marker what we were dealing with. Each charter has its own way of making money and most of us run a protection business too. The Arizona and Montana charters both run a protection business similar to Nora’s brothers’ bosses. With the skills most of his men have this is a walk in the park for them as Drifter says.
But having them here doesn’t mean our club’s chopped liver either, alongside Marker’s men I have a few of my own. Victoria and Raven weren’t the only ones to become who they are in the dark world we all live in.
No, we all were. Even the prospects have to go through some of the lessons only Fury can teach them.
This shit here with it being as complicated as it is, I simply wanted to make sure I had enough people in on it as possible to get Wren and Lyrica back safely.
Raised voices come from somewhere in the bowels of the building and a wailing cry of a baby follows suit.
“Get that cunt to stop crying before I shoot it,” a man’s voice orders viciously.
Glancing to my VP, I take in the fire in his eyes as he hears his daughter’s cries and a man threatening to murder her.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
“Those fuckers best have that bitch and her daughter. Stupid cunt thought I wouldn’t find her. Should have given her to Nixon the day he came to view his product.” This must be Collins and he’s a dead man.
“When we get in there, Tyres, your focus needs to be getting Wren and getting her out, got me?” I mutter quietly needing my VP’s head in the game.
Tyres nods sharply and sucks in a deep breath. “Let’s get this done. I want my daughter and I want the fucker threatening her strung up in the bayou.”
“You got it, VP,” I state.
Making my way into the bowels of the building with everyone behind me, I stop at the sight in front of me.
What the fuck?
This shit is sick.
I do not need to be seeing this old man getting his dick sucked.
“I believe you have some things that belong to us,” I growl, echoing throughout the room.
Collins lifts his head but doesn’t push the bitch off of him. Instead, he cups the back of her head and chokes her. Fuckin’ gross. “Where is Sloane?” he demands.
“Where are the woman and baby?” I ask in return.
“The baby is right over there. As you can see, you’re late so the woman has been taken by her new owner,” Collins cackles. “Now if you want the little cunt, I suggest you give me my property. She needs to be delivered to her owner.”
“You mean my property as she belongs to me. Sloane is my wife and wears my property patch, so I don’t believe she belongs to anyone else. As for my daughter you can go fuck yourself if you think I’m going to let you lay a hand on her.”
“Oh, I’m sure I’ll get my hands on them both. You see I have a secret weapon already in place.” He grins ruthlessly.
“How about you give me my daughter and I won’t shoot you in the dick you disgusting prick?” Tyres snarls, aiming his gun at Collins’ dick, which still has a bitch sucking him off.
“Go ahead and try. You’ll have to get the cunt off my dick first.” This dude is insane.
“Prez, we got a problem back at the clubhouse, let’s end this and get back,” Pitch Black mutters quietly for Collins not to hear.
Nodding, I lift my gun quickly, aim it at the prick’s head, and pull the trigger. All hell breaks loose and gunfire fills the room. We knew this fucker would have men scattered throughout the building. Tyres goes for Wren as the rest of us take out any man left standing.
Soon the gunfire stops and I don’t waste a moment to catch my breath as I rush through the warehouse and out to my bike. My mind races as I think of what’s happening at the clubhouse.
Only thing I can
do right now is hope for the best and pray that Tiny, the twins, along with everyone else are okay.
Chapter Eighteen
The guys left shortly after Chains and I went back into the main room. I met Marker and immediately knew he wasn’t a man to be trifled with. Especially when he stated Tara’s little discrepancy would be handled since she did not want to listen when she was told to leave Chains alone.
I don’t even want to know what he means by it but I can take a wild guess from the look in his eye she’s not going to enjoy it. I definitely got it when Chains informed him, he’ll make sure the single brothers know to steer away from her pussy for a month.
Talk about gross but at the same time hilarious as hell.
Soon after they left, I decided to take the twins to their room and get them ready for bed. I figured when Chains got home, I could be ready for him. He will still be on an adrenaline high and need a release escape and I’m the girl to give it.
I change the twins into their pj’s and give them their bottles. Not ready to leave them yet, I wait for them to finish their bottles and tell them a story about the biker prince who saved his princess from the big bad monster. It’s a story I’d come up with when they were first born and the only way to get them to sleep was for them to hear my voice. I figured might as well tell them a story and I’m not too fond of the typical books.
I needed something different, something that had meaning behind it. I even came up with another one about the brave woman who held her head high even when everyone was trying to bring her down.
My kids needed to know they were strong, and no one could hold them back.
As they finished their bottles, I collect them and quietly leave the room. I go into Chains and my room, grab the baby monitor then head for the bathroom. I put the monitor on the counter, turn the shower on, and strip out of my clothes. When the water warms up I step in.
The baby monitor makes a noise and I stick my head out of the shower door to see if I can’t hear it again. I furrow my brows and I hear humming.