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Tiny's Hope Page 7


  “When’s your doctor’s appointment?” I ask Tiny as I help her put the twins in their highchairs. A week has passed since we’ve been married.

  I wouldn’t say the week hasn’t been uneventful. The morning after, once we had Tiny’s stomach settled from her nightmare that caused her to rush to the bathroom and throw up, I told her what we knew about her father. I held my woman while she freaked out. I knew she’d want to leave to protect our daughter, I saw it in her face, but I’m glad she chose to stay in order for me to protect her. Not that I’d have let her get away from me again.

  Like I told her, I spent that short amount of time after finding out she’d left me thinking I might not find her. That something could have happened to her and nearly lost my mind. Tiny’s my everything and I hope she’ll forever trust in me to keep her safe.

  The rest of the week has been a blur as my brothers patrolled the area. We tried to find Sera. Which I told Tiny and I swear the woman’s head about blew. It took me turning her mind to something else, for instance my cock inside her pussy, to make her calm down. Or well switch her anger to passion.

  Tiny’s always been up for anything but I forgot how wet she would get when pregnant with the twins. Where when she’s not pregnant she can be drenching her panties and soaking my cock within minutes. Whereas pregnant she’s fuckin’ gushing on my cock the moment I sink inside her pussy.

  Best yet, she’ll put the kids down for a nap and come to my office, lock the door, and strip out of her clothes in order to have me fuck her across my desk, one of the chairs, the couch to the side, even better have her ride my cock while I sit behind my desk.

  Yesterday, she’d been suckin’ my cock from underneath the desk and it’s a damn good thing you can’t see under it and I was able to adjust myself to keep my brothers from seeing what was happening when they burst through the door. Tiny forgot to lock the damn thing. They knew something was up from the smirks on their faces and left a moment after entering stating to let them know when I wasn’t busy.

  Fuckers thought it was fuckin’ hilarious and decided to start a pool on when I’ll be found in another compromising position with my ol’ lady.

  “I have one this afternoon. Angelina was able to get me in with one of her colleagues at the hospital,” she murmurs, tilting her head to look up at me with her beautiful smile.

  The very same smile I can’t get enough of.

  “What time?” I ask, needing to make plans in order to take her. I’m not taking any chances with her safety, nor our kids. With this being the first time she’ll be leaving the clubhouse since we found out her dad is in the area somewhere, I’ll be making sure we ride out deep. I’ll also be making sure to keep Brook surrounded by protection here at the clubhouse while we’re gone.

  “It’s at noon,” she remarks as she switches her focus from me to getting what she needs for the twins’ breakfast.

  “Okay,” I mutter as Brook and River take that moment to give a high-pitched squeal demanding my attention. Looking to them, their smiles warm my heart. They maybe twins and share some features but where River looks a lot like me, Brook, I can see will be the spitting image of her momma.

  Grabbing a chair, I spin it around and turn to straddle it, facing my two kids. Bracing my forearms on the back I give them both goofy faces the way my dad did with my sister when she was a baby. I have both Brook and River giggling as Tiny brings over their oatmeal.

  Reaching out, I take one from her, make sure it’s not too hot, and start feeding it to River as she does the same for Brook.

  The two of us are a team when it comes to these two. I couldn’t do it without her.

  The door bursts open as we make small talk and I glance over to see my cousin, standing there looking panicked.

  “What’s going on? I demand, putting the bowl down and standing.

  Eyes wild, Tyres looks to me. “Someone . . . shit I fucked up. Wren’s gone,” he rasps.

  “What the fuck?” I snarl at this news as Tiny gasps.

  “I don’t know how they did it. House was locked tight. Security code in and everything. Went to bed, baby monitor was on and I woke up in the middle of the night with her. Sometime between then and when I got up ten minutes ago to find her missing, she was taken,” Tyres informs me, his gaze going from mine to Tiny’s then back again. He then reaches in his back pocket, pulls out a slip of paper and hands it to me. “This was left in her crib.”

  Taking the slip of paper, I scan it quickly.

  Get me what I want if you want her back. She’s a beauty and I bet she would fetch me a pretty penny. Sloane and her daughter are mine and I want them. You don’t get them to me by the end of the day, I’ll sell your daughter to the highest bidder.


  I ball the paper in my fist, turn to look to my ol’ lady to find her staring at me with wide eyes. “Cancel your appointment,” I order and then turn back to my VP. “Church now. I’m calling lockdown. We’ll find her, Tyres. I can promise you that and when we do this fucker and whoever fuckin’ helped him dies.”

  Nodding, Tyres lifts his hands to his head and grips the bill of the hat he’s wearing. “I can’t fuckin’ lose her. Not now. She’s my little girl,” he croaks.

  “You won’t, brother, you won’t. Now let’s get to church and see if we can’t figure shit out,” I state, pulling out my phone. Finding the group text between my brothers and myself, I send the message telling them to get their asses to the clubhouse for church. Also told them I’m calling lockdown.

  “Chains,” Tiny whispers my name apprehensively.

  “Bitsy, I don’t have time right now but I’m telling you right now. You are to stay in this clubhouse. You do not step foot outside. I’ve got this under control. Remember, I’d fuckin’ die before seeing this fucker get his hands on you. Am I understood?”

  Tiny’s eyes shimmer with tears as she nods her head in agreement. “This is my fault,” she murmurs, her voice filled with agony.

  “Don’t take that on, baby. Need you to keep it together for now. Let us worry about the task at hand. Later, baby, when this is over you can cry, scream, whatever you need to do, but right now I need you strong. Got me?” I ask, needing her to do this for me.

  “I’ve got you. I’m here, I’ll do whatever you need me to do,” she says with a slight tremble of her lip.

  “Good girl, now stay with the twins,” I order, pulling her into my body. Giving a hug, I return my focus to the task at hand. Getting Wren back.

  Collins has fucked with the wrong people if he thinks he can steal my VP’s daughter. He was already a dead man walking for coming after my ol’ lady and placing Sera in our club. Now he’s not only signed his death warrant he’s going to be meeting the reaper in the most fucked up way.

  It’s time to call in my brothers from the Arizona charter. Marker has men who have a skill set only few know about. People were scared of Victoria and Raven; they are nothing compared to what Digger and Snaps are capable of.

  This man is going to wish he never came after Tiny when we’re done with him.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My heart aches for Tyres’ daughter, this is all my fault. I don’t have to know what that note says to know it’s my father who went after her. But how did he get into Tyres’ house with the security system in place.

  Something about this doesn’t sit well with me. He had to have gotten access to Tyres’ house. His alarm is top of the line, set up by Nora’s brothers when they came down the last time. They handle all of the security networking with Fuse. I remember Levi saying, ‘If it keeps those my sister cares about safe then fuck it, I’ll be here to set up systems anytime though that shit’s for the newbies’.

  After Chains and Tyres walked into the room where they hold church, I finished feeding the twins. Within five minutes every member of the club was stepping through the doors with families in tow.

  Brielle and Nora immediately come over
to where I’m sitting and demand to know what’s going on. I shake my head unable to bring myself to say the words.

  “Tiny,” Chains calls my name from the doorway to church.

  “Yeah?” I ask as he stares at me.

  “Need you in here for a brief moment,” he commands.

  “We’ll watch the twins,” Brielle says, without having to be asked.

  “Thank you. I’ll be right back,” I murmur.

  Making my way to Chains, I step into the men’s inner sanctum and follow Chains. He pulls me onto his lap after he takes his seat at the head of the table.

  “Couple of things, Bitsy,” he says.

  “Okay,” I whisper, meeting his gaze.

  “First, need you and the girls to get rooms ready, we’re gonna be having company in about an hour and a half. Boys from the Arizona charter are coming,” he informs me. How the hell can they get here in such a short time when they’re in Arizona. “Second thing and I hate to ask this but I need you to tell us any of the names you might remember who would be associated with your father.”

  I suck in a breath at the confirmation he gave me that it was him who took Wren. “I was never allowed to know any of their names. Except one and I didn’t know his name or even meet him until right before I ran away.”

  “What was it?” he asks.

  “Nixon. I don’t know his last name,” I murmur, casting my gaze to my lap. I feel useless and unable to help him any further.

  “It’s okay, Tiny, don’t need a last name. I found him easily,” Fuse says from down the table. Lifting my eyes, I lock gazes with his compassionate one. “I just needed some kind of name to go with.”

  Nodding I drop my gaze back to my lap and pull my lip in between my teeth. “My dad had several connections and worked with many different types. His main associates were with a cult and another being white supremacists.”

  The air in the room fills with tension as I mention this. They must not have learned that part. I mean how could they, when my father knew to cover his tracks well with them. The leader of that group was scary. I might not know his name, but I do remember what he looked like. He’d tried getting my father to sell me to him though I’d already been sold to Nixon.

  “Thanks, Bitsy,” Chains murmurs, giving my hip a squeeze. I give him a jerky nod and look to him.

  “Is that all you need?” I ask.

  “Yeah, baby, for now it’s all we need. If there’s anything else I’ll come find you. Go ahead and go get shit ready,” he states, his face still hardened. It’s also the same expression he’d given me over a week ago when I’d told him I was pregnant. Only this time, I’m not scared of him. This is the man others fear or respect for who he is and he has his reasons for locking his emotions down.

  Being President to the Inferno’s Clutch MC isn’t always sunshine and rainbows.

  Leaning into my man, I give him a quick kiss to the cheek, I slide off his lap without a word and leave the room. In the hallway, I start making plans on what needs to be done before the Arizona boys get here as I head for the main room.

  “Everything okay?” Nora asks as I get closer.

  “Yeah, we need to get rooms ready, and get a list together of anything me might be low on food wise. We have company coming and it’s about to be slammed in here,” I say doing as Chains has done. Lock my shit down tight. At least for now. When I’m by myself, I can then break down and wallow in misery for what I’ve brought to the club. I’m sure Tyres blames me and I can’t hold it against him.

  “Who’s coming?” Brielle asks.

  “Arizona charter,” I inform them.

  “I’ll do the grocery list and organize what meals we need to be prepared for. If we’re gonna have company that means we need to get enough stuff for a barbeque as well,” Angelina says having joined the rest of us.

  “I’ll deal with the strays,” Nora mutters. “At least with the Arizona boys here, some of those bitches will lay off my man. Swear when I found out Sera was gone; I did a happy dance. The bitch couldn’t stop trying to hop on Breaker’s dick. Even tried pushing me out of the way a few times, thinking she had a shot with him. Breaker wouldn’t go within a hundred yards of Sera if he weren’t with me let alone having me in his bed.”

  I swallow at the mention of Sera. I knew the women didn’t know about the reasons for her being kicked to the curb, I still felt like I was lying to them by not telling them what was going on. These are my friends, my family and I didn’t want to put any of this on them.

  Sure, Brielle knows about what happened between me and Chains only because she was with Ryder when Chains called and asked if I’d picked up the twins. The rest of it though, nope she doesn’t know a thing.

  “I’ll help Tiny get the rooms ready,” Brielle says.

  “What can I do?” Faith asks, she’d just had her and Axel’s second child not too long ago.

  “Can you watch over all the kids?” I suggest.

  “Yeah, I can do that,” she says, nodding. I know she wants to help with other things as well but her watching the kids is a major help for now. “Oh, quick question before we start, have any of you seen or heard from Lyrica in the last day? She didn’t answer the phone when I called her last night.”

  My body goes still at this news and my heart races, could it be a coincidence? I don’t know but Chains needs to know. I’ll be right back,” I mutter, turning on my heels and all but run back to the room I’d just come from. I knock on the door and immediately it’s opened by Lynch.

  “Everything okay, Bitsy? We’re in the middle of something.” I don’t miss the frustrated expression on his face but I ignore it because he knows I wouldn’t interrupt otherwise.

  “Lyrica’s missing,” I blurt out.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Lyrica’s missing,” Tiny informs all of us.

  “The fuck?” Fuse snaps, he gazes up from the laptop in front of him that he’s been furiously typing away on trying to find all the information he could get his hands on. Anger radiates off him as Tiny’s words sink in.

  “What do you mean Lyrica’s missing?” I ask, motioning for Tiny to come to me.

  “The girls and I were just talking out in the main room while getting a plan together so we can get things ready before the Arizona charter shows up. Faith asked if any of us had seen or heard from her,” she rambles, making her way to me. Soon as she’s close enough, I pull her into my lap once again, just as I had her sitting a bit ago when she came in here when I told her to.

  “Maybe she’s decided to take some time to herself,” Lynch offers.

  “Naw, that’s not her style. Lyrica likes to keep busy,” Axel says.

  “Agreed, I think she misses keeping Carson when Angelina works. What if she’s found another job to fit in with her hours at the tattoo shop?” he suggests.

  “If Lyrica had another job, I’d know about it,” Fuse growls.

  “How would you know about it?” Tyres asks.

  “I’d know, since this past week I’ve been checking into every single one of the women who come around here that isn’t attached to one of the members of the club. Lyrica’s not attached to anyone, so her ass was on the list,” he sneers.

  What the hell is up with Fuse? I know he wants Lyrica but it’s as if he’s refusing to allow himself to be with her.

  “Um,” Tiny mumbles, her small body shrinking into me due to the tension filling the room. I wrap my arms around my ol’ lady and kiss the side of her head.

  “Thanks for letting us know. Do me a favor will you and call Victoria and ask her to make sure nothing’s amiss up there?” I suggest. For one I need to make sure my sister is okay. Another reason I asked this of Tiny is it gives her a task where she can feel helpful and not stressing or blaming herself for the mess we’re dealing with.

  “Okay.” She nods and gives me a tight smile. “I’ve also got to help Brielle get the rooms ready.”

  “Just take it easy and don’t lift anyt
hing heavy. What I mean is don’t pick up anything that weighs more than five pounds.”

  “Ugh, so, you’re telling me I can’t pick up the twins?” she asks, furrowing her brows.

  Shit. She’s trying to be fuckin’ cute right now.

  “Alright let me amend that statement, don’t pick up anything other than the twins that is over five pounds,” I inform her while giving her thigh a tap.

  “I promise,” Tiny murmurs.

  “Good, now unless it’s an emergency go ahead and get shit ready out there while we handle business in here,” I state firmly.

  Nodding, Tiny slides off my lap and heads for the door. As she places her hand on the doorknob, she glances back at me and I don’t miss the fear forming on her face.

  I’m gonna kill the motherfucker for instilling that fear in my ol’ lady.

  Soon as the door closes behind her, I glance around the room. “This shit keeps getting more and more fucked by the minute.”

  “Agreed. I swear to fuckin’ God if Wren has one mark on her I’ll be putting a bullet in each and every one of them,” Tyres snarls.

  “We’ll get her back, VP,” Brake grumbles. The two of them may be twins but he always shows Tyres the respect he deserves in front of our brothers.

  “Marker and whoever he’s bringing with him should be here shortly,” I mutter, glancing at the time on the wall. I’d called Marker while waiting for everyone to get here and he’d agreed to load up and be here soon. They’d already been in Texas meeting with another club we were allies with, Satan’s Keepers MC. Normally from where they are it takes anywhere from eight to ten hours though Marker didn’t ride his bike down. They’d flown in.

  This worked well for us since the men I wanted were already with him.

  “Why does this man want Tiny and Brook so bad? I don’t get it. She’s supposed to be used as a breeder but there’re women a dime a dozen what’s so special about your ol’ lady, Prez, besides her being his daughter?” Steel asks.