Tiny's Hope Page 9
What the hell?
Shutting the water off, I grab a towel, not thinking of anything else but checking on my children, I wrap it around my body and head for my kids’ room.
I slowly open the door and still at the sight of Sera standing there. Narrowing my eyes, I step into the room.
“You’re not supposed to be here,” I proclaim.
“I’m here to get my daughter,” she coos without looking up from my daughter.
“Brook isn’t your daughter,” I sneer.
“But she is, I gave birth to her. Chains and I made her, and you took her from me,” Sera says finally glancing at me with a venomous stare.
Are you kidding me? This bitch is insane.
“Sera, I suggest you back away from my daughter,” I say through clenched teeth.
“No, I suggest you go back where you belong, whore,” she spits and turns her attention back to my daughter who takes that moment to start crying. “Now look what you’ve done. You are not a good mother and I’m taking my daughter. Chains will see I’m the better woman to raise her.”
Sera goes to pick-up Brook and I don’t know what came over me, but I rush the woman. Snatching the hair on the back of her head, I yank the bitch away from Brook’s crib and throw her toward the doorway.
Sera screeches and launches herself at me. I’m not a fighter and I’m not much in size but there’s something to be said when it comes to protecting those you love. Sera tackles me to the ground and I go into defense mode to keep her from hurting the baby I’m carrying.
Somehow, I get her off me and drag her with all my strength out of the twins’ room. In the hallway she screams loud enough to draw attention to us.
I need help.
As I release my hold on Sera, she reaches behind her and pulls out a knife. Shit.
“You’re dead, whore. For ruining everything. You took my daughter, my man, everything. And for that you have to pay,” Sera screams and twirls it in her hands.
“Sera. You’re delusional,” I snap, taking a step back.
“What the fuck?” Shock demands as he steps into the hallway with Steel.
Sera doesn’t pay attention to the two men behind her as she attacks me again. I grab her wrist with both hands to keep her from stabbing me. But the woman weighs more than I do and she takes me to the floor with enough force I bounce my head against the wood.
“Die, bitch,” she snarls.
At her words I couldn’t help but think of that quote from Game of Thrones. ‘Not today’.
Using all my strength, I try to take the knife from her as she fights Shock and Steel. I know if I don’t take care of her now, she’ll keep coming at me and trying to take my daughter. I’m not about to let that happen. I told Chains I won’t be responsible for my actions if she touched Brook again.
I yank hard enough to remove her hand from around the blade’s handle. With the knife in hand, I also ignore Shock telling me to give it to him. Instead, I jam the knife directly into Sera’s heart.
“Die, bitch,” I spit, handing her her words back.
“Oh shit,” Steel mutters.
“Tiny, you need to step back now,” Shock announces, placing a hand on my shoulder.
Nodding, I do as he says feeling lightheaded.
“What’s going on?” Brielle asks only to gasp as she takes in the scene in front of her. Angelina is right there with her.
“Angelina, can you take a look at Tiny for me and Brielle can you go look after the twins?” Steel demands.
Both women nod their heads and jump into action.
Angelina comes to me as Brielle rushes into the twins’ room. I can hear her speaking softly to Brook and River as she closes the door. Scanning the hallway, my gaze lands on Shock and Steel to see them grimacing. My eyes then descend to the bitch lying on her back with a knife sticking out of her chest.
There is something to be said about seeing a dead body. With Deanna, I didn’t pay much attention to her afterwards, but I knew her death would stick with me for a while and it did. But when it comes to Sera, I won’t be worrying about it. Not once.
That still doesn’t stop my vision from going blurry and my knees to give out as everything goes dark.
“Someone better tell me which room my ol’ lady is in.” I hear the voice and I feel comfort in it. But I’m confused as to why he’s demanding to know which room I’m in.
It’s then I hear the beeping.
Damnit, I’m in a hospital. I don’t have to ask myself what I’m doing here. I know it’s due to fainting but also because I was in a fight with a lunatic.
Slowly I blink, opening my eyes to confirm it, just as the curtain to my cubical opens to show a very distraught Chains standing there.
“Fuck,” he mutters and is instantly at my side. “I’m sorry, Bitsy, so fuckin’ sorry.”
“What are you sorry for?” I ask. None of this was his fault.
It was Sera’s. She’s the one who was a lunatic and needed to be put down like a rabid dog.
“I should have been there for you,” he rasps.
“No, you shouldn’t have been. You were where you were needed. Getting Wren and Lyrica back,” I murmur, shaking my head.
But at his grimace, my heart begins to thump at a faster pace in my chest.
“You did get them, right?” I ask.
“Angelina’s looking at Wren now. We were too late to get a hold of Lyrica. Collins stated she was with her new owner.” Tears well in my eyes at this news.
She’s been given to someone and it’s my fault.
“I’m sorry,” I sob as the tears spill down my cheeks.
“Baby, you didn’t do a damn thing,” Chains murmurs, cupping the side of my face. “All you did was protect our family from a psycho bitch. So, don’t go blaming yourself for something you didn’t do.
“But it’s my dad who did this,” I whisper.
“Tiny, Collins isn’t your dad. He can’t be. During church earlier, after we were waiting on Marker to get here, we found out Collins had a medical condition that made it where he was shootin’ blanks.”
“If he’s not my father, then who is?”
“I don’t know, baby, but since we know your mom’s name is Sarah De Luca, I’m sure your uncle can tell us.”
My uncle.
I have family.
My mom’s family.
I always wondered if she had siblings.
“Are you serious?” I ask with a hitched breath.
“Yeah, baby, I’m serious,” he says.
“Wow,” I murmur.
“Are you okay? The baby?” His features are ones of worry.
“She’ll be just fine,” a woman says as she steps into the cubical wearing a white lab coat. “Dr. Corbin ordered lab work and an ultrasound upon getting to the hospital. Lab work was rushed and came back looking great. We’d like to keep you overnight to make sure you don’t have a concussion but as long as Angelina monitors you, we won’t keep you. But how about we see this little peanut?”
The doctor speaks rapidly, and I’m overwhelmed with everything she’s saying but the main thing I understand is knowing my baby is okay.
Chains and I both nod and she wheels in an ultrasound machine, places it next to me, and instructs me to pull up the bottom of the gown. It’s in this moment I realize I’m completely naked and if I want to go home, I’ll need someone to bring me something to put on. The doctor spoke step by step of what she was going to have to do.
Then she slides the wand inside me and though it feels highly uncomfortable, my eyes are glued to the screen as she turns it in my direction. “Well, there you go, a sweet baby resting inside you,” she announces.
She does a couple of things and then removes the wand and leaves the room.
Soon as she leaves the room, I turn to Chains and see him smiling at me. “Fuckin’ love you, woman,” he murmurs.
“I love you too,” I whisp
er just as softly with a smile.
What more could a girl hope for? I have everything I could possibly want in this world. Chains is the other half of me and I couldn’t live without him. I have two beautiful children and one on the way. I also have an amazing family that comes in the shape of the club and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Over the past seven months Tiny and I have been busy.
First, we celebrated our twins’ birthday shortly after the situation went down with Collins. We’d had members here from the Devil’s Riot, Marker’s charter, and even Leo De Luca came with his father to meet my ol’ lady for the first time. Craziest part of all of that was we’d found out Tiny wasn’t Collins’ biological daughter. Tiny’s father, Theo Vitale, is an associate of De Luca’s who’d been engaged to Sarah, Tiny’s mom. Leo reached out to him and informed him of the fact Sarah had had his daughter before she was killed.
We’d agreed to take thinks slow in integrating Vitale into Tiny’s life. I wasn’t about to stress my ol’ lady out with something this life changing. That doesn’t mean she didn’t know about it. I simply wasn’t throwing it in her face all at once. They were doing this at her pace and I’m making sure no one tries to push faster than she’s ready.
The whole ordeal was fucked up and still blows my mind that the asshole was able to pull off what he did. If it wasn’t for us being able to finally connect the dots to everything we’d been through. Not that it’s over for us yet. We still don’t know who this Nixon fucker is or if he knows where Tiny is. I didn’t worry about asking Collins before I put a bullet in his head. Sure, I wish the fucker’s death had been painfully slower than a shot between the eyes but I didn’t care. Not when it meant I had to get to my woman and make sure nothing happened to her.
I have nightmares of what happened that night. Not about killing Collins but for what Tiny had to do. She said it that day we found Sera in the twins’ room she wouldn’t be responsible for her actions when it comes to protecting our children. I thought she would hate herself for killing someone else. Yeah, not my woman. Tiny’s words ring in my ear every time I think about it ‘We’re a team. You take care of all of us including the club and I take care of you and our children. I’ll do what it takes to make sure nothing happens, same as you’.
Fuckin’ love my ol’ lady.
The second thing Tiny and I did is start building our house that we’re now living in. We decided to build a five-bedroom house with an open floor plan in the main area. The house is set up off to the side of the clubhouse giving us space from everyone else yet still giving my woman the security she needs to feel safe.
We also found out we were having another boy and decided to name him Dorian. I don’t know why I caved to the name but for some reason Tiny got me to agree. Even though that’s his name we’re gonna be callin’ him, Ian.
“Da-da-da-da,” Brook squeals, getting my attention as I walk through our house to find her and River sitting in their highchairs in the dining area. The house smells fuckin’ remarkable with whatever it is Tiny’s fixing for dinner.
“Hey, princess,” I greet my daughter with a smile and glance to my son to see him giving me a toothy grin. He hadn’t started talking yet but he was definitely expressive and loved to smile at me when he saw me coming.
I step into the kitchen as Tiny is putting her cell phone down. “Hey, Bitsy,” I murmur.
“Hey, I’m glad your home,” she says, her hands resting on her expanded stomach where our son rested. He’s due any day now and I’m trying not to let my fears take over.
“Oh yeah, why’s that?” I grin.
“Um, because I need you to take me to the hospital,” she whispers, rubbing her hands over her stomach.
“My water broke and I’m going to have your baby.” At her words I jump into action and lift her up into my arms.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were in labor? How long have you been waiting?”
“Easy, Darren. It only broke just a bit ago, I called Steel and asked if he could come sit with the kids until Brielle or Nora could get here. They’re over at Fuse’s helping out and I don’t want to disturb them.”
“Alright then, baby, let’s get you out to the truck, Steel should be here any minute he was in the clubhouse when I left.”
“I know he was,” she giggles but stops giggling when a contraction hits her. “Okay, so, the contractions are getting closer together,” she whispers.
Nodding, I head for the front door as it opens to Steel coming in. “Text me and let me know how it goes,” he mutters, holding the door open for me.
“Will do,” I say.
I put her in the front seat of the truck and rush to the other side and hop in. Soon as we get to the hospital everything seems to go by in a blur and within two hours Tiny gives birth to our third child. Seeing her strength in how she takes the pain without medication is awe inspiring.
She gives me the hope I need that not everything in this world goes to shit. I love her more than anything in this world and I’d die if the hope I see shining in her eyes every day were to blink out into nothing.
Tiny’s hope in me is everything I need and I couldn’t ask for anything more.
Available Now
By: E.C. Land
Devil’s Riot MC Series
Horse’s Bride
Thorn’s Revenge
Twister’s Survival
Reclaimed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 1 – 3)
Cleo’s Rage
Connors’ Devils
Hades Pain
Badger’s Claim
Burner’s Absolution
Redeemed (Devil’s Riot MC Boxset Bks 4 – 6)
Devil’s Riot MC Originals
Stoney’s Property
Owning Victoria
Blaze’s Mark
Taming Coyote
Luna’s Shadow
Choosing Nerd
Ranger’s Fury
Carrying Blaze’s Mark
Neo’s Strength
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Chains’ Trust
Breaker’s Fuse
Ryder’s Rush
Axel’s Promise
Fated for Pitch Black
Tiny’s Hope
Dark Lullabies
A Demon’s Sorrow
A Demon’s Bliss
A Demon’s Harmony
A Demon’s Soul
A Demon’s Song
Royal Bastards MC (Elizabeth City Charter)
Cyclone of Chaos
Romanticizing the Gods By: Corrine Falls
Santa’s Naughty Helpers
Coming Soon
By: E.C. Land
Devil’s Riot MC Originals
Cane’s Dominance
Venom’s Prize
Protecting Blaze’s Mark
DRMC Southeast
Hammer’s Pride
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Their Redemption
Fuse’s Hold
Nora’s Outrage
Tyre’s Wraith
Brielle’s Nightmare
Aligned Hearts
Night’s Bliss
Finley’s Adoration (Co-Write with Elizabeth Knox)
Cedric’s Ecstasy
Satan’s Keepers
Keeping Reaper
Royal Bastards MC (Elizabeth City Charter)
Spiral of Chaos
Toxic Warriors MC
Frozen Valentine
Pins and Needles Series with Elizabeth Knox
Blood and Agony
Raiders of Valhalla MC with Elizabeth Knox
DeLancy Crime Family with Elizabeth Knox
/> Degrade
Sweet Treats
The Elites
Twisted Steel: Second Edition
Available on Audible
Cleo’s Rage
Connors’ Devils
Hades Pain
Badger’s Claim
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Dear Readers,
I hope you have enjoyed Tiny’s Hope, the second part to Chains and Tiny’s story, as much as I have in writing it. Their story to me is one of my favorites as it shows neither of them are perfect yet would do anything for each other and for their family.
As you know next up is Fuse’s Hold, I’m excited as can be for this one as you get to see why Fuse is the way he is. You’ve also caught a small glimpse into Degrade as Félix has introduced himself and his family. Degrade will be coming out at the end of the month, so you don’t have long to wait.
Cane’s Dominance
People look at me and think I’m nothing, that I’m a nobody, but they don’t know the real me. I’m a member of the Devil’s Riot MC, but my brothers don’t know the truth.
When I was a child, I managed to survive the pit of darkness, and this darkness . . . it’s only something some children endure. There’s nothing in my way as I become the man I want to be, not when my brothers have my back, and certainly not when I have a certain woman in my sights.