Keeping Reaper (Satan's Keepers MC Book 1) Page 7
“Wait, she was pregnant when they met?”
“Yeah, my sister, Ronaele. She grew up as my dad’s daughter, though she was close with her real father’s family. We all were because of who they are. My mom then had me, my brother, and then my little sister.”
“So you have three siblings? It must be nice. I hate being an only child,” she grumbles.
“It was nice growing up. Now it’s just Angel and me left. My mom and Ronaele were killed around the same time, and my younger sister and her ol’ man were killed a while back in a house fire.”
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” Ivy utters, her arms come around me while she buries her face in my chest. I feel her tears fall on my chest, and it’s like someone is squeezing my heart. Here this woman is in my arms, tearing up at my loss, and she didn’t even know them.
Fuck me. This woman’s made for me.
The rest of our conversation turns to a lighter subject.
Monday morning, I followed her to work and went to the clubhouse. I needed to get my own shit taken care of. I would have preferred to stay at the garage all day, maybe even work on one of the cars myself just so I could be around Ivy. However, when I dropped her off, I had a text from Leo De Luca requesting to meet with me.
Getting to the clubhouse, I find him already there. I take him into my office where the two of us could talk alone. Only we don’t end up alone, Angel had joined us as well.
“What can I help you with?” I snark. Our relationship is still tense at best.
“It’s not what you can help me with but the other way around. I wasn’t there for you when you needed me before, and I’m not about to let that happen again,” Leo says, sticking his hands in the front pockets of the charcoal gray slacks he’s wearing.
“And what would that be?” I lean against my desk and cross my arms over my chest while waiting for his answer.
“Ivy.” I straighten at the mention of my woman’s name. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my brother do the same.
“What about my ol’ lady?” I demand.
“I should say, more or less, Ivy’s Uncle Richard. Her father’s brother.” I’d been looking into him and haven’t liked any of what I’ve found. This past weekend he’d called Ivy several times, to which she never answered. She’d refused to let me answer when he kept doing it. “Richard is an asshole that needs to be put in the ground, but for some reason, he is always able to find a way to escape death. He’s in with the Triple Spirits MC. Owes them a large amount of money for his debts.”
“Fuck,” Angel mutters under his breath.
“You could say that. Ivy’s father was on my payroll. He didn’t get dirty, but he also wasn’t squeaky clean either. He lived his life on the line of right and wrong. Ivy’s father would give me information when I needed it, and he was never wrong. I respected the hell out of the man and his love for his daughter. Everything he did, he did it for her. She was his world, and I don’t want to see anything happen to her.”
Nodding, I let Leo’s words sink in. Richard, Ivy’s uncle, owes money to the Triple Spirits. “Angel, get Scythe and Styxx on it. Tell them to focus their attention that way. We already have enough problems with the Triple Spirits I don’t need anymore, but I also won’t let anyone else hurt my woman.”
“You got it.” Angel nods.
Leo left shortly after, and the rest of the week went by far too quickly. For the most part, I spent it at the garage needing to be around my woman. When I wasn’t, either Ghost, Angel, or Tombstone was with her. Ivy didn’t think anything of it.
Today we’re having church, and she’s at the house spending time with her friends. Ghoul, one of the club’s prospects, texted me a little bit ago complaining about being on Ivy duty. Evidently, she and her friends are driving him nuts. The video he sent of her on the four-wheeler is one that makes me grin. She’s doing wheelies and getting down and dirty. Though it still worries me, because I don’t want to lose her like I’ve lost everyone else.
For a moment, it takes my mind off what we’re having church for. I’ve kept my anger in check when around Ivy. She doesn’t deserve to be subjected to it, but right now, she’s not here, and I’m on the brink of losing it as Scythe informs me of what all he’s found.
“Looks like Richard has promised to get the money to them or find a way to pay his debt,” he announces and goes into detail about what’s going down. Doesn’t help that the Triple Spirits are infringing on our territory.
“I’ve called Moreno for a sit-down, and he keeps putting me off,” I inform my brothers. The Triple Spirits MC President keeps avoiding me, and now I think I know why. “Until this shit is resolved, I don’t want Ivy left alone.”
“Agreed,” Angel mutters.
We finish up church, making arrangements with each of my brothers to help out with keeping watch over Ivy. In the short time we’ve all known her, Ivy’s made an impact on all of my brothers.
Banging the gavel, I stand and make my way to the door. Ivy’s coming to the clubhouse for a party tonight, and I need to text her to let her know we’re finished with church. I step into the main room of the clubhouse and head for the bar where our other prospect, Goblin, is working. Before I can make it halfway across the room, Claws jumps on me, circling her legs around my waist, and slams her mouth on mine. I grip her hips and force her off me.
“What the fuck?” I snarl, releasing her and wiping my mouth.
“Baby, I just missed you,” she purrs.
“I’m not your anything, and I’m telling you right fuckin’ now bitch, this is your second strike, one more, and you’re out on your ass. Do you understand me?” I’m nearly seeing red, and my hands are clenched at my sides. If this bitch were a man, I would have her on her ass in a heartbeat for pissing me off.
Storming past her, I start for the bar, once again needing a beer to wash the taste of pocket pussy out of my mouth. Goblin already has the beer for me when I get to the bar. “Thanks.”
“Prez,” Angel calls me as he comes up next to me. “Hate to break this to you, but you did see Ivy didn’t you?”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I ask, not even getting the first sip of the cold brew.
“Why do you think Claws did what she did?” He draws his brows together. “Ivy walked in just in time to see Claws jump into your arms and kiss you before she turned and ran out the door with tears in her eyes.”
Motherfuckin’ cunt.
“Bitch set me up,” I growl, slamming the beer down on the bar top. I stalk toward the door and outside, heading for my bike, already knowing my woman isn’t going to just go straight home. I’ve gotta find her and make this right. I should make Claws pay for this bullshit, but I don’t have time to handle her skank ass right now.
Chapter Thirteen
Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.
I wipe the tears from my eyes and press my foot on the gas. I need to put as much distance as I possibly can between what I just saw and myself. I know in the back of my mind I’m being irrational, that I should go back, rip that bitches hair right out of her head, and demand to know what was going on. Unfortunately, the insecure side of me wins, and I ran when Reaper didn’t immediately shove Claws away from him. Instead he allowed her the chance to wrap herself around him and kiss the very same lips that were on my own this morning before he left the house.
In the last week, everything has seemed to change between the two of us. I mean, yeah, Reaper is still an asshole, but it isn’t directed at me. Nope, it’s directed at others. On Monday, I needed to go to the grocery store, and Reaper met me there. Only before he did, a guy was trying to hit on me right there in the middle of the store. Reaper ended up making the guy look like he was going to shit his pants out of fear when he showed up. I found it funny, especially when he turned his glare on me and demanded to know what the fuck I was doing talking to the guy in the first place. This turned into an argument where he ended it by slamming his mout
h down on mine, kissing the hell out of me right there in the middle of the soup aisle. After that, he demanded to know where Ghost was.
Ghost just so happened to have needed to come to the grocery store along with me so he could get some ‘shit’ for the clubhouse. I know this to be a ploy. I know it, because the entire weekend, Reaper didn’t let me out of his sight. Then come Monday morning, Reaper followed me to work after I put my foot down to tell him we needed food in the house for the week. At the mention of the ‘we,’ Reaper’s eyes lit up, making his frustrated glare worth it.
Through the rest of the week, Reaper took me to work and stuck around most of the time unless he was needed at the clubhouse. Only then did he leave to go handle business. I enjoyed the view of seeing him work on the cars. The sight of him bent at the waist reaching underneath the hood of a client’s car nearly had me wanting to beg him to let it be me he was working on.
Okay, so my head has been a bit filled with all sorts of thoughts involving Reaper fucking me. He has me addicted to his body and the way he makes me feel. Who knew nearly a month ago, I would have a one-night stand and end up falling for that man?
Swiping the still falling tears, I shake my head. This evening was supposed to be about fun. Reaper had church and was going to text me afterward for me to come on over to the clubhouse for the usual weekend party.
I’d spent the day with my girls riding four-wheelers and goofing off. Mainly we were annoying the hell out of the prospect who was ‘hanging out’ with us, more like babysitting. I know my man. I’ve learned in the past week; he doesn’t leave me alone. I get with him being the President of a motorcycle club that isn’t a hundred percent legit, that it can be dangerous. I’m not stupid and told Reaper this. He didn’t confirm or deny it either, so that was all the answer I needed. I honestly didn’t care what he did, because he’s not a bad guy. In fact, he can be extremely sweet when he wants to be. As for his possessive side. I like to think of him as being protective. He likes for me to be close, and I can understand why. He’s lost nearly all of his family.
The only family Reaper has left is his brother Angel, his niece Bethany who’s Tombstone’s daughter. His other niece, Ember, moved away for college and is now dating a member of another motorcycle club that is allied with Satan’s Keepers. So I get his reasons and don’t mind it. I lost the only people in this world who meant everything to me—my grandma and dad. I could care less if my uncle was rotting in a ditch somewhere if it meant him leaving me alone.
Why did I have to be so stupid and fall for Reaper? I slam my fist on the steering wheel, my mind going to earlier when Sutton, Everleigh, and Juniper had told me I should surprise Reaper at the clubhouse.
“Come on, babe, you know you want to. I mean shit, put on those sexy ass ripped jeans and that teddy we bought you, and go get him. I bet you he’ll be throwing you over his shoulder and carting you off somewhere to fuck you,” Juniper giggles.
“Oh, you know he’s gonna love the fact the teddy’s got a snap at the crotch. Easy access.” Everleigh grins, wiggling her brows up and down like this is not my sex life we’re talking about.
“Seriously. I can’t wear that to the clubhouse. It’s too revealing.” I think of the little teddy my friends had bought me. It’s really cute. It looks like a black tank top with a V cut right between my tits. I could wear it for Reaper, but could I wear it in front of the others? I don’t want to seem like one of the P&Ps, I learned it’s what the guys call the women who live at the clubhouse all but whoring themselves out willingly. I know those women just want to be chosen as an ol’ lady; however, according to Angel he says none of those bitches will get that title, ‘No brother wants to make an ol’ lady out of a bitch that allows all his brothers to fuck her holes anytime they want.’
“Really, you should wear it, babe, it would be hot shit, and he’ll love it,” Sutton says cocking her head to the side. “You should also wear your hair down, natural waves of course with your make-up smoky like. In fact, go shower. I’ll do your make-up myself.”
I do as she says, putting on the teddy with my ripped jeans. Everleigh puts product in my hair, so my hair will dry naturally, but it won’t frizz. Juniper sat next to me and talked my ear off about the guy she’s been seeing. I’m surprised by this because she swore off men after her last boyfriend had cheated on her with his stepsister.
By the time Sutton finishes my make-up, I’m nervous and excited at the same time.
My friends leave the house at the same time I do. I climb into my Jeep, slide my sunglasses in place over my eyes and pull out of my driveway. It doesn’t take me, but a few minutes to get to the clubhouse, which is good because I can’t talk myself out of going through with my plan to surprise Reaper. I didn’t know how long he would be in church, so I figure I could sit at the bar and have a beer while I wait.
Parking, I get out, ignoring the prospect, and walk straight into the clubhouse. I barely make it into the clubhouse when I’m met with the sight of Claws jumping into Reaper’s arms. I don’t meet any of the guys’ eyes and turn on my heel, rush to my Jeep, and climb in. I pull out of the lot heading in the opposite direction of home. I’m sure the guys will tell Reaper, and he’ll come after me. I can’t face him right now.
I’m so foolish. It was a stupid plan to begin with. I should have known I wouldn’t have been enough for Reaper. My heart doesn’t want to believe it, though. I want to be enough for him. The way he makes me feel is beautiful, and now it’s tainted.
I should go back and beat the bitch. Why can’t I do that? I’m not a crier. I hate crying.
I slow down as I make it to the curvier part of the road, not wanting to wreck when I notice a tractor-trailer coming up on my ass, not slowing.
Oh, God.
He’s going to hit me. There’s no way he’s not going to. I brace for the impact. My hands tighten on the steering wheel, and the motion of my Jeep surges forward when it happens right in the curve. My Jeep flips into the ditch, and I feel myself roll multiple times. I don’t know how long. Time seems to stand still, and it’s like my life is flashing before my eyes. I can hear my own screams in my head, the terror in my voice that I’ll never see Reaper again. That I’ll never get to build a family with him.
At that moment, I know he means the world to me, and I need to fight for what’s mine. That is if I survive.
Everything goes still, and I’m hurting everywhere. I’m hanging upside down, and the blood is rushing to my head.
“Help,” I whimper, pain radiating throughout my body.
I can’t hear anything else over the rushing of blood to my ears.
I need to get out of here.
A shadow crouches down next to me, and I gasp in fear at the gun being pointed at my face and the man holding it.
“Told you bitch, you need to give me what’s mine or you’ll pay. You’re gonna pay. With you out of the way, I’ll get it all. Didn’t want it to come to this, but now that you’ve become a whore, your value went down. I have no choice but to kill you,” Uncle Richard snarls, brushing the tip of the gun against my cheek.
So this is how I’ll die.
By my uncle’s hand.
My uncle jerks back and curses before pulling back. “You’re a lucky bitch if you survive this accident. If you do, I’ll know, and I’ll come after you again,” he snarls before slamming the pistol into the side of my already hurting head.
Everything goes fuzzy, my vision blurs even more, and darkness finally takes hold. I welcome it, wanting the pain to come to an end.
Chapter Fourteen
Speeding down the road, I head in the opposite direction of the house. I know my woman. We might not have been together for long, but I know without a doubt she wouldn’t have gone home. No, she’ll head to either one of her friends’ houses or somewhere where she can be alone in the woods without being bothered.
I’ve come to realize my woman loves nature and enjoys it any chan
ce she can get, from sitting outside on her deck listening to the cricket’s chirp to her lounging in her beanbag chair in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows while reading. The woman only wears shoes when she needs to.
Clearing my thoughts, I focus on the road needing to catch up to Ivy. My gut tightens with dread, and I’m unsure of what to expect.
Coming closer to the curve of the road, I slow when I catch sight of a Mac truck stopped in the middle of the road.
What the fuck?
Glancing around the truck, my chest constricts, and I come to a stop. I barely get the kickstand down, and before I’m heading in the direction at the same time, the fucker with the Mac truck takes off. I don’t have time to worry about the truck right now. I need to get to Ivy.
“Call an ambulance,” I call out over my shoulder as I jump the ditch and start across the field. I don’t bother to look at who I’m speaking to. I know my brothers had followed me. How many? I’m not sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised to find all of them, considering the roar of motors that had followed me out of the lot.
Please be okay. Don’t take her from me.
I make it to the driver’s side of the upside-down Jeep. The plumes of smoke are filling the air. Bending down to the side of the Jeep, I find my woman’s blood coating the side of her face, her eyes closed. “Ivy, baby, come on. Open your eyes for me.” I check the side of her neck to find her pulse is still there, but faint.
“Ambulance is coming,” Tombstone announces, coming to kneel next to me. “Pulse?” My brother’s voice is raspier than normal.
“It’s there, but faint. I need someone to get behind her and hold her steady while I cut her out of the seat.”
“I’ll do it,” Tombstone says.
“Prez, we gotta get her out. This Jeep’s going to catch fire any minute,” Angel growls, examining the Jeep.