Keeping Reaper (Satan's Keepers MC Book 1) Page 6
Talk about mind-blowing.
To be an ol’ lady is a special honor and one I never thought I would be giving to anyone.
I can’t believe he just said that.
It makes me kinda special.
Unable to speak, I place the clipboard down on my desk and grab my purse. I pull my keys out, ready, intending to drive. My mind is racing a hundred miles an hour right now with all sorts of thoughts. Some of them make me nervous about my future. Other parts of it make my heart want to leap for joy that my life is turning out the way it is, and I can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next.
Chapter Ten
Sex with Ivy always leaves me wanting more of her, and right now, I want to get the fuck out of here, get her out to the house where I can finally sink deep inside her once again. Ivy’s little attitude has my cock raring to go again, and I’m not waiting until after dinner.
Fuck that.
Taking Ivy’s keys from her, I pocket them and grab her hand in mine.
“What are you doing?” she demands, pulling back.
“You’re on the bike with me,” I inform her.
“My Jeep.”
“I’ll get one of my brothers to drop it off at your house,” I state.
Ivy yanks her hand from mine and crosses her arms over her chest. “I don’t think so. No one drives my Jeep, but me.”
“No, don’t you Precious me. How would you feel if I were to drive your bike? It’s like an unspoken rule. You wouldn’t like it, would you? Well, I don’t want anyone driving my Jeep. No one drives my Jeep, no ducking way. It’s an unspoken law. Okay, more or less rule, but still, I don’t want anyone driving my Luce,” she rants.
Fuckin’ hell, Ivy’s cute as hell when she’s pissed.
Stepping into her space, I reach up and tangle my fingers into her hair. “For one, Precious, you would never be able to handle my bike even if I allowed you to, and that would never happen. And your right no one fuckin’ rides her, but me,” I inform her. I have four bikes altogether, but the one in the parking lot is my 1983 Harley Davidson FXDG Disc Glide Sturgis. The very same bike my dad and I had fixed up together. Angel and I both went out and found our own bikes with him, and together we worked alongside our dad fixing them up.
I was twenty-five when my dad was killed by a rival club. The very same rivals who ended up taking out my mom and my sisters.
Shaking off thoughts of them, I focus on the now. I focus on the woman in front of me. She’s my future. I think they would all like her. Hell, Angel approves of her.
“Well, then you understand that no one is driving my Luce,” Ivy huffs.
“Baby, you’re with me on the bike,” I grin.
“No, I’m not.” Ivy shakes her head as she tells me ‘No.’
Whatever, I’m done with this conversation. She’s on my bike. Releasing her hair, I take a step back, bend, putting her stomach to my shoulder, and put her in a fireman’s hold.
“Reaper,” Ivy screams, slamming her hands into my ass. “Put me down.”
I use my hand not holding her legs to smack her. “Calm down,” I command and head for the door leading to the garage and where my bike is parked. The garage is immediately filled with the sound of cat calls and wolf whistles. Guess they heard my woman’s cries of pleasure as I fucked her on her desk. At least they know who she belongs to.
I find Ghost almost instantly and give him a jerk of my chin. “Can you drive Ivy’s Jeep to her house for me?” I ask. Reaching into my pocket, I grab the keys and toss them to my brother.
“Don’t you dare. I told you no one drives my Jeep, but me,” Ivy screeches, kicking her legs.
“Yeah, Prez, I’ll get it there,” Ghost chuckles, catching the keys with one hand. “Don’t worry, Ivy, I’ll make sure she’s in pristine condition when I get there.”
Nodding, I walk over to my bike and set Ivy down on her feet next to it.
“I can’t believe you just gave my keys to Ghost. I told you no one drives my Jeep. It’s a ducking rule,” she yells.
“Babe, ducking, seriously?” Ghost snickers shaking his head.
“Yes, I’m serious. It’s a Jeep thing. Now give me my keys,” she demands.
Done with this shit, I lift her up and plant her ass on the back of my bike and climb on. I ignore her protest. She could have easily gotten off, but I know internally she doesn’t really want to. Starting my bike, I grab Ivy’s hands and wrap them around my waist. I hit the throttle, taking off in the direction of her house, looking forward to being alone with my woman. I also look forward to her finding out when she steps into the house, there is a surprise for her. One that involves me moving in.
I haven’t lived in a house in years. Angel and I have stayed in the clubhouse since our folks were killed. Shit, Tombstone, for the most part, stayed at the clubhouse as well. The only time he’d lived in the house he kept was when Rissa and Ike were living with him. Other than that, he only kept it to remind himself of what he had with my sister Ronaele. I get that my brother loved Ronaele, but I also know he wasn’t in love with her. They’d decided to marry when she got pregnant with my niece Bethany. Tombstone wasn’t gonna walk away from either of them.
But I gotta say my brother needs to finally let the past go. The ghost that haunts us all needs to be put to rest. Maybe when they see I’m letting go, Angel and Tombstone will do so as well. Only time will tell in that department.
I pull into the driveway and shut my bike off. Putting the kickstand down, I hold a hand out to help Ivy off. She takes it, but doesn’t say anything as she climbs off from behind me. Ivy starts to yank her hand from mine once she’s clear of the bike, but I don’t let this happen. I keep hold of her and swing my leg over to stand directly in front of her. I pull her into my body and tilt my head to claim her mouth.
Ivy’s tense body melts into mine, and I deepen the kiss even more. I slide my hands down her sides, cup her ass and pick her up. Ivy’s legs wrap around my waist.
With her in my arms, my mouth on hers, I walk toward the front door. I press her into the wood as I reach into my pocket to pull out the key I have to her house. I unlock the door, step inside, and close it behind the two of us. I press Ivy into the wall right in the foyer of what is now our house. Reaching between us, I rip those cute as fuck panties away from my woman’s pussy before releasing myself from behind my zipper.
I break my mouth from hers and pull back enough to meet her gaze. I wanna see her eyes when I enter her. Lining up with her pussy I pull her down on my cock while I thrust into her. Seated to the hilt, I love the way she looks. Grinning at her, I decide to break the news to her. “Fuckin’ love coming home to doing this. I think we’ll be doing it every damn day, considering I’ve moved in.”
With that said, I slam my mouth on hers, not letting her get a word in. She can have her say after I fuck her, and she comes drenching my cock with her juices. Then afterward, I intend to do this all over again.
Chapter Eleven
Staring at Reaper, I know I should be pissed. Unfortunately, I can’t seem to muster the idea to be. Maybe it has to do with the mind-blowing orgasms he’s given me today. Between the sex in my office that I’m now humiliated for having let happened after all the cat calls, then sex in the foyer, I’m completely sated.
Of course, Reaper used the foyer sex to inform me he’d moved into my house. Moved in. Like seriously moved in. His clothes are in my closet and dressers. There is a toothbrush next to mine, and his shower stuff is next to mine.
I’m freaking out, and I don’t know how to handle it.
After foyer sex, Reaper and I took a shower, where he gave me yet another knee-weakening orgasm by eating me out before washing my body. This is how I saw all of his stuff. Now Reaper has me sitting next to him on the counter while he preps potatoes and puts them in the oven before chopping up
salad fixings.
Neither of us has really spoken, and the silence honestly hasn’t been awkward.
The sound of someone coming up my driveway causes me to perk up. I jump off my counter and rush for the front door.
Reaper grabs hold of me, stopping me. “Hold up, Precious,” he chuckles.
“Oh no, you don’t. Nope. Nope. Nope. You aren’t keeping me from getting my keys to my Jeep now,” I snap in annoyance.
“Baby, you don’t even know if it is Ghost with your Jeep. Now you are going to have to cool it on the anger. Ghost has given you and me some time before bringing the Jeep here. Shit, he did tell you it would be in pristine condition.” Reaper grins and I narrow my gaze on him.
“I don’t care. You should have just let me drive my Jeep home,” I mutter.
“All right. But Ivy answer me this, did you like riding on the back of my bike?” Now that shut me up, because I did, in fact, enjoy it. It was exhilarating. It was even better than riding my four-wheeler and having the top down on the Jeep. This probably had to do with the fact I loved it that one and only other time I rode with him on the back of his bike to the motel. I loved having my arms around Reaper’s waist.
Reaper just grins and pulls me into him while he opens the door for the both of us. His hand going into the band of my comfy shorts I put on after our shower. I didn’t know what to put on after we got out, so I settled on a pair of comfy black shorts and a white tank top over a sports bra. I threw my hair up in a messy bun.
Now with the way Reaper’s fingertips glide against my skin, I rethink my outfit. I wonder if I should have put something sexier on. Or maybe a cloak to ward him off. I don’t know. I’m completely conflicted with everything. I can’t help it. It’s just the way my mind works. One minute I’m okay, then the next I’m having self-doubts. Like why did Reaper move in with me? Is it because he thinks I’m easy? I’m not, that’s for sure.
God, what is wrong with me.
Stepping out onto the porch, Reaper lets me go when Ghost comes into view with a shit-eating grin holding my keys out toward me.
I snatch the keys from him and storm over to my Jeep to inspect her for any marks. Okay, so I’m a little protective when it comes to Luce. I might go rock climbing, but I do repairs and fix damages if need be. Most of the time, I’m careful and not scratching her up.
I get to the back end of my Jeep and narrow my eyes. “What the hell is this?” I demand seeing the window sticker.
It’s a Satan’s Keepers MC Logo with Reaper’s name on it.
“It’ll have to do until your cut gets in that I ordered,” Reaper chuckles. “Consider it your temporary property patch.”
Oh my God.
I’m going to kill the man.
He’d tagged my Jeep without me knowing it.
He had branded my Luce.
Looking up to the sky, I raise my hands and shake them as I yell out, “Why me?”
Both Reaper and Ghost burst out laughing at me, but I ignore them.
“I’m surrounded by he-man alpha jerks who don’t listen,” I grumble, dropping my arms to my sides. I stomp my feet as I storm past both men and head back into my house. I had intentions of slamming the door behind me, but Reaper doesn’t allow this. Shit, I didn’t even hear him come up behind me like he did.
“Ghost, you coming in, or you heading to the clubhouse?” Reaper asks, putting his hand around my waist, pulling me to him.
“I gotta wait for Daemon to get here with the truck. He’s picking up Hendrik first,” Ghost states coming in behind us. “Lana’s got a hot date this weekend.”
I knew this already, because Daemon was at the office earlier this week talking about getting to spend time with his son this weekend while his baby momma spends the weekend away with her new girlfriend in Dallas doing something or another.
“Would you like to join us for dinner?” I ask, deciding he can be a buffer between Reaper and myself.
“Naw, that’s okay. Daemon should be here before too long,” Ghost retorts with another shit-eating grin. Reaper, on the other hand, narrows his eyes on me as he tilts his head to meet my gaze. Damn, he probably already knows my game for inviting Ghost to stay. With him here, I might be able to keep my hands and mouth to myself long enough to get my head straight. “Speaking of Daemon,” Ghost chuckles when a loud exhaust sounds outside. “I’ll see you both later.”
“Later, brother,” Reaper says, his hand flattening against my stomach. The heat of his front searing into my back, sending shivers of desire through me.
No. No. No.
Nope. I can’t do this right now. I need to get to know this guy before I have sex with him again. I mean shit, the only thing I know about him is he’s the President of an MC club and that his first name is Daniel. I want to know more, and I can’t find out anything if he’s constantly fuckin’ me.
Ghost nods and heads back out the door, leaving me with the man holding me to him.
“Come on, Precious, let’s get the steaks on the grill. The potatoes should be done by the time we’re done cooking.” Reaper guides me along with him. Not letting me go as he walks with me, still pressed up against his front.
“You can let me go; you know.”
“I could, but then I wouldn’t be holding you like this. I intend to do this until I have no choice but to let go in order to cook. Now where are we eating, dining room, kitchen, living room?”
“Outside on the patio,” I announce, already knowing. Plus, I need to. I haven’t been outside much at all today, and I need to spend some time outside. I’m a nature baby, and I need to be able to connect, especially when I’m stressed.
“You got it, baby,” Reaper says, kissing the side of my head.
Oh boy, I really like that.
Making it to the kitchen, Reaper releases me to go grab the steaks he’s got sitting on the counter waiting. “Sounds good to me,” he chuckles.
For some reason I don’t understand, I feel completely vulnerable standing here. This isn’t me. Or at least it didn’t use to be. I’m not one to feel this way because of a guy.
Reaper picks up the steaks and comes back over to me to take my hand. The two of us, without a word, walk to the back door leading to the patio where we’re going to be eating and where my grill is. I have two sitting out here. A charcoal and a griddle grill. I love cooking on both. I can even make my own sort of hibachi with the griddle grill and it’s delicious. My friends come swarming when they know I’m making hibachi.
Reaper decides to use the charcoal grill, and I take a seat on my lounger I have out here while watching him work.
The two of us start talking, and I’m surprised at how easy it is to talk to him. His face is relaxed and I haven’t seen him like this before. Okay, so this is the first time I really spent any time with him. I mean for the first time since we’ve first met. Multiple orgasms, but never talking has been what we’ve done. Seeing him like this is refreshing and is setting my mind at ease.
I like it.
No, wait.
I love it.
Time passes quickly while the two of us enjoy talking. I find I like making him laugh and smile. He’s gorgeous all the time, but he’s drop-dead sexy, causing my panties to get wet. While cleaning up dinner, Reaper touches me constantly, and once we’re done, he takes me to my den, where the TV is sitting on the wall. Flopping down on the couch, he pulls me down on top of him and snags the remote turning the TV on. Reaper’s hand runs along the side of my spine as he finds a Rangers vs. Rockies game on.
I grin as he sets the remote down. At least I won’t have to complain about watching baseball since I love watching it. However, by the end of the sixth inning, my eyes begin to droop, I feel myself starting to fall asleep.
In Reaper’s arms, I can admit it’s the safest I’ve felt since my dad died, and my uncle started hounding me for the money he seems to think belongs to him.
Chapter Twelve
; This past week has been one for the count, but it’s one I won’t ever forget. Mainly because of Ivy and her antics. Swear the woman can be a pain in my ass, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.
To start from the beginning means starting with the weekend where we spent the entire time together. I found she’s a lot of fun. And I now know who put in the trails at the very back edge of the club’s land. Ivy and her friends go four-wheeling nearly every weekend. Though I’m glad they didn’t come around this past one. It gave my woman and me a chance to spend some time alone together.
Ivy had really opened up to me by the end of the weekend, mainly because I opened up to her. I think our conversation will always be burned in the back of my head.
“So, what was your dad like?” I ask, holding her as we lay in bed facing each other.
“My dad was the best. He could be overbearing at times, even a pain in the ass, but still, he was my dad, and I loved him. I still do. I miss him every day. He raised me by himself without anyone to help, but my grandma.”
“What happened to your mom?”
“I haven’t spoken to her since she left. I honestly think I might lose it if I do. She left, because my dad wouldn’t leave his job. He was a police officer. A good one at that. Mom gave him an ultimatum, and he told her she could leave. I was still little, so I don’t know the whole story, only what my dad told me. He never really liked talking about it, and I understood. What about your parents? What were they like?” she whispers, switching the focus onto me.
“My dad was the President of the Satan’s Keepers before he was killed. I couldn’t ask for a better dad. He told me the day he met my mom; he knew she was it for him. Didn’t matter to him that she was already pregnant with another man’s baby.”