Tiny's Hope Read online

Page 4

  Nodding, I do as she says and find a spot to sit. My exhausted body thanks me for finally taking a break.

  “What can I get you, darlin’?” the lady asks, startling me. Jesus the woman is quick on her feet. Lifting my gaze to hers I notice the nametag on the right side of her blouse reads Nikki.

  “Um, can I get a hot tea and some toast please?” I ask in response, not knowing what else I should get.

  “Coming right up,” she says, writing it down on her pad as she turns on her heel and moves back behind the counter.

  “You look lost, sweetheart.” I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of a masculine voice. Lifting my eyes, I find the man the voice belongs to is sitting in a booth in front of me his position facing mine. “Sorry didn’t mean to frighten you,” he murmurs, flashing me a radiant smile I’m sure he uses to get into women’s pants. Too bad for him it won’t be mine he’s getting in.

  “Uh, it’s okay. You didn’t frighten me,” I say, as I take in his looks. He has a perfectly trimmed beard that I’m sure is as soft as it looks, his hair short on the sides and slicked back curls on top. I’m surprised he’s even in this diner as he’s dressed in business attire.

  I’m grateful for Nikki as she brings me my drink and toast right away. “Let me know if you need anything else.”

  “Thank you,” I murmur with a nod of gratitude.

  “That’s all you’re eating?” The guy is drawing my attention to him once again. This time I lick my lips nervously as he moves from his spot in his booth to come sit in the opposite seat of my table.

  “Yes?” I say in question rather than in response to him.

  “Sweetheart, you’re to fuckin’ small. You need to eat more than that. Name’s Félix DeLancy.” My blood runs cold as ice when Félix says his last name.

  “Why are you sitting at my table?” I ask bluntly as images of Deanna DeLancy come flooding through my mind.

  “Seems you know who I am. And yes, before you ask, I do know who you are. I should be thanking you for what you’ve done for me but I don’t think you’ll be obliged in me doing so,” he chuckles.

  What I did for him?

  Is he talking about Deanna?

  Why would he be obliged about that?

  “I can see your confusion but I’ll tell you now, there are no hard feelings about you taking out Deanna when the stupid cunt went after Chains and you,” Félix states with a grimace.

  “You can say I’m a little more than confused,” I say, my hands won’t stop trembling in my lap. I wish I could hide and not be talking to this man. Men I don’t know still scare the hell out of me.

  “I see this. Let me explain the situation a little more. I despised the bitch. Deanna was my stepmother, sick as it is, she’s my age. Anyway, the cold-hearted bitch was trying to take what rightfully belongs to my brothers and me. As the oldest, I didn’t like her stepping on my toes, if you know what I mean.” I nod though I really don’t. “My father might have wanted to retaliate against Chains and the rest of you only because he loathes Chains, has since before he was born because of his parents. But that’s not my problem or my brothers. We’ve decided it’s time for a change.”


  “Um, okay,” I murmur with a nod.

  “So, tell me Sloane, or would you prefer I call you Tiny?” he asks, throwing me for a loop. I rarely hear my real name and other than last night I hadn’t heard it since I was in the hospital with the twins.

  “What the fuck?” I inwardly cringe at the sound of his harsh voice and barely keep myself from flinching away from him as he places his hand on the back of my seat directly behind my head. “Scoot over, Bitsy,” he orders and I immediately do as he commands. How did I not hear his bike?

  God I should have just kept on going and said screw the thought of food. But I was pregnant and had a little one to take care of.

  As Chains takes a seat next to me, he wraps his arm firmly around my shoulders and pulls me into him. I allow myself a brief second to savor his touch before trying to push myself away from him.

  “Don’t even think about it, baby,” he murmurs into my ear. “You and I are gonna talk.”

  I close my eyes and nod my head. I should have known getting away from him wouldn’t be easy and honestly, I didn’t want to. I love him but I don’t want him to take something I find so precious away from me.

  Maybe he’s changed his mind? Or maybe it’s guilt for the way he acted, either way he came after me and that has to mean something, right?

  At least I hope so.

  Chapter Seven


  As grateful as I feel to find Tiny in one piece, I’m furious as to who’s sitting with her.

  Why the hell is Félix DeLancy sitting with my ol’ lady? In fact, what is he doing in this area at all? He’s not supposed to be meeting me until nightfall.

  “You want to tell me what the fuck you’re doing in my territory before we’re supposed to meet tonight?” I ask my attention solely on Félix as I keep Tiny in my arms.

  I’m gutted by her reaction to me wrapping my arm around her, but I don’t blame her. I fucked up royally last night. Soon as I get rid of Félix I’ll apologize and make things right. Afterwards I’m taking her ass down to the courthouse and tying her to me.

  My mind played through her letter the entire way to town and when I spotted her sitting in a window seat of the diner just inside town, I felt relief.

  “Well, Chains, considering I was already seated before your beautiful ol’ lady came in. She sat and I decided to join her as she decided to only eat toast this morning,” Félix says, motioning in the direction of said toast Tiny hasn’t even touched.

  “Bitsy, eat your toast,” I urge her.

  “I’m not hungry anymore,” she protests without looking in my direction.

  “Baby, you’re pregnant and need to eat something,” I say, placing my hand on her stomach as I did on multiple occasions when she’d been carrying the twins. Tiny lifts her head to finally meet my gaze with widened eyes.

  “How nice to see you two growing your family?” Félix states with a grin.

  Kissing Tiny’s forehead I focus back on the man sitting across from me. “Why don’t you go ahead and tell me what you wanted now since we’re already seated together,” I demand.

  “I don’t think this is a conversation we need to have right now. I’ll be by the clubhouse later this evening. I have a meeting this morning I need to get to. It was nice to meet you, Tiny, and congratulations on the pregnancy. Take care of yourself,” Félix says as he slides out of the booth across from us.

  “Uh, nice to meet you too. Thank you,” Tiny murmurs meekly as she sinks further into me.

  I don’t know what they spoke about but I intend to find out.

  Nodding in our direction Félix drops a twenty on the table and leaves through the front door.

  I drop my arm from around Tiny’s shoulders and rest it on the back of the booth we were sitting in. I twist my body to be able to see her better. “Bitsy,” I murmur but stop as she shakes her head.

  “Please don’t,” she murmurs with a shake of her head.

  “Don’t what?” I mutter.

  “Don’t talk so softly when you don’t mean it. You made yourself clear last night.” Fuck if I did. I was angry and my mind twisted shit around as thoughts of losing her to another pregnancy took hold.

  “Listen to me, Bitsy, and listen good,” I growl, leaning into her a bit. “Last night I said some fucked up shit that I shouldn’t have. I admit I fucked up royally with what I said, but you’re gonna know I didn’t mean a word I said. I love you, Sloane. You’re it for me. I felt fear at the thought of losing you and it got to my head. I’m not saying this shit as an excuse for the way I acted. I hope you’ll forgive me because I can’t live without you, baby.”

  “But you wanted me to get an abortion.” She furrows her brows as she casts her eyes down to her lap.

  “Bitsy, I don’t want you killing thi
s baby. I didn’t mean it and I fuckin’ regret saying it. This is our kid, same as River and Brook. We’re a family and I’m not about to ruin that. I got your letter and wish you would have told me this stuff about your past yourself,” I murmur, lifting my hand not resting on the booth to cup the side of her face and guiding her to look up at me. “I didn’t mean to hurt you. Please will you come home.”

  “You . . . really hurt me,” she whispers, tears welling in her eyes.

  “I know I did, baby, and I’m so fuckin’ sorry. I never wanted you to run away. Leaving everything behind or thinking you were worthless because nothing compares to you, Tiny. Nothing,” I say, leaning my head down to brace it against hers.

  “I wanna go home,” she utters so quietly I barely hear her but at those four simple words I let out a breath I didn’t even realize I’d been holding.

  “Good, I’ll take you home but how about we actually get something to eat first. I didn’t eat last night and I know you didn’t either and from the looks of it when we get home, you’re taking a nap while I hold you to me,” I state, wrapping her in my arms the best I can with us sitting in this booth.

  “I’m exhausted,” she admits, slumping into me.

  “I can see that, baby. Let’s eat and get you home.” I place a kiss against the top of her head and turn to sit with my back against the seat while still holding my woman to me. Seeing the waitress, I wave a hand to grab her attention. I order the big breakfast sampler for myself and a thing of pancakes for Tiny.

  As the waitress leaves, I glance back at Tiny to find her eyes closed as she rests her head against my chest.

  “I’m sorry I left,” she whispers without opening her eyes. “I feel like a horrible mom who abandoned her children.”

  “Tiny, you’re not at fault here. If anyone is to blame, it’s me. I blew everything out of proportion last night and caused you to feel unsafe. I know we’ve had arguments in the past, but we haven’t ever had anything like that before and I think it’s rocked us both. As for being a horrible mom, baby, you could have taken them with you, but you knew if something happened to you, they’d be harmed as well. So, no, you’re not a bad mom for leaving them where they’d be protected. Just know this, I’m never letting shit like this happen again,” I grumble, resting my cheek to the top of her head.

  “Promise?” she asks, her voice sounding tired.

  “Yeah, Bitsy, I promise,” I sigh.

  And I mean it. I’m not letting anything like this happen again. Not when my woman means the world to me.

  “Just so you know, on the way home, we’re swinging by the courthouse. I’m marrying you and then we’re gonna build a house off to the side of the clubhouse where we’ll live and grow old together,” I inform her.

  “Hm, that sounds nice,” she rasps.

  Damn right it did and I couldn’t wait to make it official.

  A few minutes later our food comes out and I have to tell Tiny to sit up and eat so we could get out of there.

  Thirty minutes after the food is set in front of us, I pay the bill and reach out for Tiny’s hand. I guide her out to my bike. This will be the only time I’m allowing her on the bike while pregnant. Soon as she’s adjusted behind me with her front plastered to my chest, I turn us in the direction of the courthouse.

  Like I said, I wasn’t waiting any more time without her being mine in every way possible and that’s exactly what I’m doing.

  Chapter Eight


  I swear I was getting whiplash with all the emotions tormenting me right now but at least one of them trumps over all the negative ones.

  Deliriously happy.

  Chains not only came after me to bring me home, he apologized. Which is something my man would never do for anyone else. I know this because I’ve seen him in action when it comes to those around the clubhouse. If you piss him off and he yells at you, they better not expect him to say ‘I’m sorry.’ Those words aren’t something he says lightly.

  I’m sure some people would think I’m nuts for taking him back for the way he acted or make him prove himself with some big approach about it all. Well, I’m not them and I’m positive that Chains will find a way to make up for the way he treated me. Plus, he’s my heart and as he said I can’t live without him.

  I mean I could but it would be a half-life.

  Soon as Chains and I walk out of the courthouse, he pulls me into his arms and holds me close. “Love you, Sloane Garnier,” he murmurs, leans down and presses his lips to mine.

  Hm, I do love it when he’s sweet like this.

  And the fact he decided he wasn’t going to wait like he suggested before the blow up yesterday causes my stomach to flutter. I didn’t want to wait yesterday and now I’m tied to him in every way. I not only bear his property tattoo, I wear his property cut and finally I officially have his last name.

  “Love you too, Darren Garnier. Now take me home, I want to lay down and take a nap with you,” I murmur.

  “What about the twins?” he asks, lifting a brow.

  “Would it be possible if we have a couple hours alone?” I ask in return. “Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m exhausted and could use the sleep. Yesterday tired me out at the zoo then everything else. Put walking all night on top of all of that and I’m dead on my feet.”

  “I get it, Bitsy. Come on, let’s get you home and in bed. I’ll lie with you for a bit then relieve Ryder and Brielle of babysitting duty,” he states, guiding me the rest of the way to his bike.

  I stand next to his bike and put my helmet on as he swings his leg over to straddle his bike. Chains holds a hand out for me to take. Giving him a smile, I take his hand and follow his movements until I’m pressed against his back with my arms wrapped tightly around his waist. I rest my head against his shoulder blades as he kicks the kickstand up and hits the throttle. God, I love being on the back of his bike. It’s unlike anything else. The freedom of the wind flowing through us is exhilarating and I can’t get enough of it.

  It doesn’t take us long to get back to the clubhouse and as we pull into the park area, my nerves start to thrum through me. Does everyone know I ran away? They’ll hate me now for thinking I abandoned my children, and my family.

  Chains must sense my unnerving as he shuts the bike off and drops the kickstand back down. He then gently helps me off the bike. Soon as he’s standing, Chains pulls me into his arms and holds me to him. “What’s wrong, Bitsy?” he asks, gravely.

  “They’re all going to hate me. I abandoned the twins and you. I didn’t think of what everyone else would think when I came back,” I murmur, tears welling in my eyes.

  “Bitsy, no one is going to think anything. We had a fight that’s all. It’s done and over with. If someone says anything then we’ll deal with it. Until then try to remain calm, remember you’re pregnant and I don’t want you stressing out,” he states, gliding a hand up my back to slide over my cheek until he’s palming the side of my face.

  “Okay.” I nod, deciding its best to listen to him.

  “Now, come on, let’s get inside,” he orders, though he doesn’t move us toward the door but rather leans in to press a tender kiss to my lips. “You need your rest tonight ‘cause, I’m spending all night ravishing this body of yours. And I’m doing it without any barriers between us. My cock wants to feel that tight pussy against him.”

  Giggling, I wrap my arms around Chains’ neck. With him leaning down like this I’m able to reach to do so. Normally I can only wrap my arms around his waist unless he picks me up and I wind my legs around him. “I love you,” I murmur.

  “I love you more, baby,” he says, grinning. He then does the unexpected and swings me up into his arms and carries me bridal style to the club’s main doors and opens them. “Guess what brothers, Tiny’s officially my wife,” he announces into the main room filled with nearly every member of the club.

  Cheers of congrats are heard throughout the room.

  “This calls for a party,” Br
ake yells.

  “No party,” I groan, leaning my head into Chains’ chest.

  “We’ll see,” Chains murmurs to me then turns his attention back to his brothers. “We’ve got church this evening be prepared. I’ve already seen Félix DeLancy in town.”

  At the mention of Félix DeLancy, I stiffen and lift my head up off Chains’ shoulder. “Um, I need to tell you what he said to me.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, I didn’t forget to ask you about your conversation with him,” he grumbles and continues to walk through the clubhouse carrying me in his arms.

  When we get to our room, he unlocks and opens the door without putting me down. Stepping inside he uses his boot to shut the door behind us and climbs in the bed, where he finally releases his hold of me.

  Chains sits up on the side of the bed, removes his boots, and slides his cut off his shoulders, placing the material on the nightstand. He then reaches behind his head and strips his shirt from his body. I always love seeing the tattoo covering his back. It’s a magnificent piece of art and I love it. My property tattoo actually is nearly the same but a whole lot smaller with his name situated in the middle of it.

  I’m so enthralled with his tattoo that I don’t bother stripping out of my clothes until he turns around and begins doing it for me. “I can do it,” I say, feeling a little nervous by his actions.

  “And I can also get you ready for bed, Bitsy. You’ve had a rough night and an excited one this morning. Let me take care of my woman, okay?”

  Holy mother.


  Nodding, I allow Chains to strip me down to my panties. He leaves the bed long enough to grab one of his shirts for me to put on. As the shirt falls over me, covering my exposed body, Chains lifts the covers up over me and slides into bed.

  “Alright, baby, tell me what Félix said to you at the diner,” he commands, pulling me into his chest and begins to stroke my back.