Ensnared Read online

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  Opening the drawer to the nightstand, I notice something I hadn’t before. I reach into the drawer and flip up the false bottom.

  Bingo, a folder lay inside it. I pull out the file, sit on Ian’s bed, and start going through it. Two separate birth certificates, one of them the original document, the other a copy but with a different last name. One of the documents doesn’t have a father listed, that’s the one we have on file at Sinner’s Cove. The other, the original certificate, lists a father.

  Something inside me flips a switch when I see exactly what the original states.


  This isn’t good.

  Deciding to go through the file more later, I lay the files next to me on the bed and put everything back in place. There’s too much to go through and process to sit here and do it now. I need to get it back to the house, finish going over this mess.

  Pushing the drawer back into place, I stand and grab the files I’m taking with me. Making my way out of Ian’s bedroom, I stalk through the rest of his place, searching for any more areas the bastard could have hidden files. I find two other places filled with shit I need to go through. Some of the bullshit is causing a fire within my chest. The bastard not only had papers I need to go through but images as well. Images of women while fuckin’ them. Images of women being fucked by others. These images are proof of Ian being a part of this group of monsters fuckin’ hurting women, making them slaves, and doing unthinkable shit with their bodies.

  With the files in hand, I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and make my way out of the apartment. I open up my contacts, find Dean’s number and touch my finger to the little phone symbol. I lift the phone to my ear and stalk out with only one thing on my mind the rest of the way to my car.

  “It’s late, Marc,” Dean grumbles through the line. The whimpering sounds of a baby in the background.

  Fuck. I forgot he was helping Bridget with their two boys tonight. Since Bridget gave birth to their second son, my cousin has been spending more time with her and their children. A lot of this being due to their younger son having been born with a hole in his heart. We all get what they’re going through and are here for them both. I love Dean like he was my brother rather than cousin and boss.

  “Sorry, boss, but I found something,” I state, opening the car door and getting in behind the steering wheel.

  “What did you find?” Dean demands. The sounds of his son’s cries no longer in the background.

  “Ian has a lot of secrets, cousin. Far to many secrets for my liking,” I say, placing the large stack of files in the seat next to me. “We need to meet. You, Mitch, Kenyon, all of us. We gotta lot of shit to go over, and it can’t be done over a simple phone call.”

  “Fuck. All right. Tomorrow. Sinner’s Cove, two p.m.,” Dean states.

  “You got it, boss, see you then. Give both my little buddies a hug for me,” I say, hanging up. Dean’s boys are more than just my cousin’s kids to me. They’re family already, but there’s a difference in the closeness between siblings and others who share blood. Dean and I are close, which makes him more of a brother to me. Meaning his boys are more like my nephews, and I treat them as such.

  Tossing my phone on top of the papers, I start my car and back out of the parking spot. I switch gears, press my foot on the gas, and shoot out of the parking lot with more speed than needed to do so.

  Zipping down roads, I take the curves faster than I should but not caring either way. My mind is filled with what those images showed and one of them in particular.

  I only hope we can get to the bottom of this bullshit soon, and the drama can finally be over with once and for all.

  Chapter Three


  “Struggle all you want. You won’t win.” He laughs maniacally, thrusting into me roughly. The pain is excruciating. Almost like he was tearing me apart from the inside out.

  “Please, stop, let me go,” I beg to want the pain he’s inflicting to end.

  I plead for God to help me, but my assailant continues to hurt me. Thrusting his vile cock into my body. Hurting me with each powerful stroke.

  “I don’t think so. You’re a tease, and teases need to be taught a lesson. You need to learn your place as the bitch you are. I won’t want a tease to go without learning how to bow to those worthy where you are not. Not around me or anyone else, you filthy whore,” he snarls, picking up speed.

  I cry out when even with the pain, he does something I didn’t think was imaginable—making me come. It’s horrifying, and I didn’t want to. It’s only my body’s reaction, I scream inwardly at myself. My tormenter groans, and I feel him coming. Taking his time to finish finding his pleasure within me.

  In the small light, I can see his face better as he looks into my eyes and grins. “That’s only round one for the night. I intend to fuck you until dawn rises and I know you’ll be feeling me for months on end. I might even decide to come back and fuck you more after we finish.” His voice grows thick, and he starts moving once again.

  I shoot straight to a sitting position. My breathing coming in short pants and sweat beading on my forehead. Looking at the clock, I groan at the time. It’s early and I’ve only been asleep for maybe three hours. Raya didn’t want to go down last night. She was fussy and having a rough time finding sleep. Ezekiel tried to help me, but he has to go to work this morning and needs to be on his game.

  Today’s going to be my first day back at work, and I’m nervous about being around everyone more than ever. None of my friends know about Raya yet. I feel like I might cry some days because of my jealousy over them. Enya has a family, and even though she went through her own hell, being kidnapped, drugged, and violated, she’s strong enough to move on from it. I’m weak and can barely stomach looking at myself in the mirror most days.

  Knowing I won’t get back to sleep, I throw the covers off and head for the shower. I take no less than three showers a day, trying to scrub my body clean of my assailant’s touch. In the shower, I turn the water up as hot as possible and let the water go from freezing to scorching. I close my eyes, and something I haven’t before been able to remember happens. I remember the face of the man who hurt me. For the longest time, I’ve been scared it was Marc who raped me and was Raya’s father. Thankfully, it’s not him.

  I give a sigh of relief, but still, I’m scared. I don’t know who the guy is. It could easily be any number of men. My only guess, however, is it has to be one of the men Kenyon works with.

  Scrubbing my body raw, I finish my shower, turn the water off and hop out. With the mirror steamy, I can’t see myself in it. This is good since I hate seeing my body. I snag my towel off the rack and dry off. Naked, I walk into my room, pull out a pair of boy shorts and a bra. I put them on before moving on to pick out what I’ll wear today for my first day back. I don’t want them to know how much I’ve changed as a person, so I dress in a pair of jeans that fit my legs like a second skin. I slide on a fitted tee but pull a hoodie my brother bought me over it. The jeans I can handle. My upper body, I can’t. I don’t want anyone seeing my breasts or the fact I still have a little bit of pudge from carrying Raya.

  Dressed, I throw my wet hair into a messy bun, not caring what it looks like. I do my makeup applying a small amount of eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. I grab the baby monitor from next to my bed, leave my bedroom, and head to the kitchen to make coffee. I might not have been working at the bookstore as the barista for the past several months, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t been practicing. I’ve come up with some pretty fantastic flavors. One I call campfire latte. The secret to making it will stay with me for as long as I decide to keep it.

  I finish making my coffee, turn against the counter and drink it.

  I feel a sense of guilt being so cold toward Marc. For pushing him away when he only wanted to get to know me. How do you fix something like that? I’m so confused right now. My emotions are spinning, and I have a daughter to look after. Even if I wanted to be with someone, I w
ouldn’t because no one wants a single mom with a newborn baby.

  Walking into the bookstore, I want nothing more than to go back home and spend the day with Raya. I miss her already. Ezekiel is taking her to daycare when he heads out to go to work. I wanted to protest and tell him I could drop her off, but he wasn’t hearing it.

  “Oh my God, I’ve missed you,” Enya squeals rounding the counter where she can ring up the customers. A sharp pain hits my chest when I see her small baby bump. “How was your trip? You look amazing.”

  A hint of even more guilt fills me, ensnaring my chest with its unease.

  “I missed you too,” I utter softly, embracing her when she hugs me. It takes everything within me not to cringe at her touch. It’s not her fault I can’t stand the thought of being touched.

  Enya pulls away, and I meet her eyes briefly before glancing around to see Lillian standing there with her arms crossed over her chest. She’s watching me a little too cautiously for my liking. Breaking eye contact with Lillian, I take note of some changes while noticing Kenyon and Mitch standing at the bottom of the stairs leading to Enya’s old apartment. She transformed it into a nursery for Ryland and Mitch and Alison’s twins.

  “How was your trip?” Enya asks again.

  “It was . . . um . . . great. Zek and I had a blast.” My throat tightens in my chest, and it’s all I can do to keep it from choking me on my lie.

  “That’s good. I’m so happy your brother’s home now for good,” Enya says excitedly. Taking my hand, she leads me over to my section of the store, and Lillian joins us. “We have so much to catch up on.”

  “How about we let Zoe get back in the hang of things after being gone for so long?” Lillian suggests, taking her eyes off me for a brief second.

  “Of course. Why don’t we do girls’ day on Sunday?” Enya offers.

  I try to think of something off the top of my head, but for the life of me, I can’t come up with an excuse. Giving my friend a smile that I hope she doesn’t think is fake. I’m not the girl I used to be, and it’s not easy for me to get past what I’ve endured. Swallowing the built-up saliva in my mouth, I nod. “Sounds good. I’ll talk to Zek and see if he has any plans.” If he has plans, I’ll have to come up with something to keep them from finding out about Raya.

  Enya, happy and excited, rushes over to Kenyon and wraps her arms around his waist. I’m happy for my best friend, even if I’m jealous, she has such an amazing life now. I wanted something like this for myself. Feeling Lillian’s eyes on me, I focus on her.

  “I know you’re lying, babe. There are no keeping secrets from your family, and you know this. I love you, chickadee, and when you’re finally ready to talk, I’m here for you. Till then, you might want to attempt to hide your pain a little better,” she whispers quietly for only me to hear.

  Lillian doesn’t give me a chance to respond. Instead, she turns on her heel and walks away. The guilt that’s eating me alive conflicts with feelings of what I endured for hours that night nearly a year ago.

  I don’t know how to tell them, and now with Lillian’s words circling around in my head, I’m more scared of what they will say when they find out.


  I knew she was lying when she came in. Zoe’s not one who lies. She doesn’t have a poker face, and I know this because I do. I keep my secrets close to my heart, and I don’t intend on letting anyone in on them.

  I make my way up the stairs to the nursery and check on Alison’s twins and Ryland. A part of me wishes I could have a child, but it will never happen. I don’t want to raise a child alone. And see where Zoe thinks she’s hiding it, I know the truth, and I wish there was something I could do for her. My only question is why she hasn’t said anything to Enya or myself about any of it. Instead, she hides her daughter, and I have a gut feeling her reasons why will hurt when she finally comes clean.

  Taking a deep breath, I push the thoughts to the back of my mind for the time being. I’ll give her time to come to Enya and me. But I’m not giving her forever. She is my family, and I’ll do anything for her.

  Chapter Four


  Walking into Sinner’s Cove, I carry the folder loosely in one of my hands, tapping it against the side of my slacks. I’m itching to get this meeting over with. It’s bugged me from the moment I read through the shit yesterday at Ian’s apartment.

  I don’t even think I got an ounce of sleep because of this. I’m pissed and now know the reasons why I didn’t find the asshole. Shit, the man’s able to change his identification without any issues because he’s got more than one.

  “There you are,” Dean says, coming into the main room of the club. With the club being closed for another three hours, it’s where we’ll all meet since it’ll be more than just the top few of Dean’s men.

  All of them need to know what’s happening and what I found out.

  “Yeah, sorry, I got caught in some traffic,” I grunt, unable to hide my frustration.

  “Well, let’s get this over with. Bridget is taking the baby to the doctor this afternoon, and I want to be home when she gets back,” Dean announces.

  Nodding, I toss the papers on the table while everyone takes their seats. This meeting shouldn’t take us too long. Not when every one of us knows what Dean means. This baby is having a tough time and needs both parents. I’m honestly surprised he’s not going to the doctor with Bridget. Or he might just meet her there if we finish this meet-up soon enough for him to do so.

  “What’s this?” Mitch asks.

  “That is a folder filled with Ian’s life that I finally found last night,” I say, eyeing each of the men as well as Kit-Kat. I stop and lock eyes with Kenyon. “You’ll wanna see what’s in that file and when you do, you need to keep it together,” I grind out.

  Kenyon takes the file from the middle of the table and flips the folder open. I wait while he scans over papers and slides them toward the others. It doesn’t take him long to find the page I knew would piss him off.

  “Fuck. That motherfucker is going to die slowly and painfully,” he snarls, slamming a fist down on the table. “How the hell could he do this to Enya?”

  “What?” Kit-Kat demands.

  “Ian is Enya’s stepbrother. Now it all makes sense as to why he would fuckin’ call her stepfather when she was kidnapped,” Kenyon growls, his temper nowhere near calm. “Swear to fuck, this is the last thing she needs to know right now. She’s been worried enough the past several months with Zoe being gone, she doesn’t need this shit. I’m not telling her about this.”

  “Enya’s strong enough to handle this,” Mitch says, trying to calm our friend down.

  “Would you tell Alison something like this if she were still pregnant with the twins?” Kenyon sneers.

  “I get what you’re saying,” Dean cuts in. “Enya has been through a lot, and you’re right to keep it from her if that’s what you think you gotta do.”

  “It is.” Kenyon nods. “Enya’s been through enough hell because of those fuckers who tormented her. For once, I want her to not worry about a damn thing. With Zoe finally back, she can do just that.”

  Zoe’s back?


  It means if I go to the coffee shop, I’ll end up seeing her.

  “Did you see how different she looked? Face fuller?” Dean mentions.

  “Yeah, guess her time with her brother did her good,” Mitch grumbles.

  “Oh please, there is no way in hell she and her brother were gone that long. She’s hiding something,” Kit-Kat sasses.

  “Like what?” Beau asks.

  “I don’t know. Think about it, she’s been gone for roughly four or five months, right, maybe? Seems to me she could have been hiding something very important.” She shrugs.


  Before anyone can respond to Kit-Kat’s words, my phone rings loudly. Shit, I forgot I turned my ringer on loud.

  Frustrated by this, I pull it out of my pocket and groan at the sight of
my mother’s name on the screen. Fuck if I don’t answer, she’ll continue persistently calling until I do. I lift my gaze to meet Dean’s. “Sorry about this,” I grumble and answer the phone putting it on speaker just for shits and giggles. “Yes, Mother.”

  “Don’t you take that tone with me, Marc. I’m your mother,” Carah snaps.

  I roll my eyes and sigh. “What can I do for you, Mother? I’m working.”

  “For starters, you can finally listen to your mother and do as you’re told. You’re contracted to marry Belvin, and you will do so. I have got everything in order, all you must do is come home where you’ll stay,” she snides.

  “Is this bitch for real?” Kit-Kat whisper yells.

  “Look, Mother, I’m not coming home to marry a traitor’s daughter. I gotta go. Unless you have something else to talk to me about, don’t bother calling me again. I won’t change my mind,” I inform her and hit the end button.

  “Your mother is a quack,” Beau announces.

  “No shit,” I grunt and focus on Dean. “Any way we can terminate my contract so I can get her off my back?”

  “I’ll talk to Tomás.” Dean nods.

  “I would appreciate that.” I want this contract void, so she’ll finally leave me alone about it.

  We finish the meeting after going over a plan in order to find Ian. Once we do this, Dean dismisses us. I stand slowly. My mind going from the business at hand to Zoe. What Kit-Kat said makes a lot of sense, and my gut goes tight at the possibility of what she could have hidden, who she hid, and could maybe still be hiding.


  With everyone but Mitch leaving Sinner’s Cove, I head to my office. Mitch can handle anything out here while I make a call. After hearing the way my cousin’s mother spoke to him about this contract, I don’t have a good feeling.

  Carah should know that that marriage would never happen. Not when Belvin’s father is a traitor who attacked my family. No way in hell I would allow it. Besides, Marc deserves to be happy, just like the rest of us.