Tiny's Hope Page 2
“I know you are, but I want my ring on your finger, my last name connected to yours rather than us just saying it is. You deserve the world and I want to give it to you.
The baby monitor on the nightstand goes off letting us know that one of the twins, most likely Brook, is awake. Between her and her brother, Brook is always the first to wake and demanding attention. Whereas River is mellow and content watching everything happen. I’ve realized he’s extremely observant and smart for his age.
“As usual she has perfect timing. And to answer your question, yes, Darren. I’ve been waiting for you to ask me. Well, I hoped you would eventually,” Tiny mumbles, her eyes alight with adoration as she stares at me.
“That she does, Bitsy.” I grin. “Glad you said yes ‘cause I wasn’t taking no for an answer, I like the ring of Sloane Garnier.” Slowly I withdraw my cock from her still quivering pussy while I savor the hitching breath slipping from between her lips. “You and I need a day where I can keep you right here without interference as I fuck you all damn fuckin’ day.”
“Hm, I do like the sound of that,” she rasps.
How did I get so lucky to be the man for her? My Bitsy has gone from being this scared woman who didn’t want to be around anyone to being comfortable in her own skin here at the clubhouse. Granted Tiny still shies away from going out, preferring to be here, she’ll at least leave if I’m with her.
There’s something to be said about my woman feeling safe enough to go out if I’m with her.
“Come on, Bitsy. Let’s get up and get to the twins,” I mutter, reaching out to grab my woman’s hand and pull her out of the bed with me. I let go of her hand as I bend to grab a pair of sweatpants from next to the floor. I pull them on as Tiny grabs one of my shirts.
As the shirt falls down to her knees, I grin and wrap my hands around her. “Love seeing you in my shirts, Bitsy,” I say, lifting her up. I know we gotta go get the twins but fuck if I don’t want to sink back into Tiny as she wraps her legs around my waist. I groan as her wet pussy slides against my skin.
Damn, I wish I could feel that against my cock bare, but I’m not taking the chance of getting my woman pregnant. Not again. Two’s enough for us and I refuse to lose my woman to anyone including another baby.
Chapter Two
Chains helps me back to the floor and I quickly grab a pair of panties out of the drawer. I’m beyond ecstatic he finally asked me to marry him. At the same time scared out of my mind.
I never told him all of which I’ve dealt with growing up and I’ll be taking a huge leap in putting my name on records where I could easily be found by my father or worse, Nixon.
Lately I’ve been having nightmares about them and a couple others, that I can’t remember their names, too. I don’t know what the dreams mean but they have me worried. Even worried I’m not about to let it stop me from marrying the man who holds my heart. He’s my everything and I’ll take every minute I can get with him at this point.
I slip my panties on and pull a pair of shorts on over them. Chains doesn’t mind me wearing his shirts out of the room as long as I have something on underneath.
Brook’s small cries become louder as Chains takes my hand and pulls me from the room. I love that Chains is so involved in everything we do with the twins. River is so much like his daddy it’s unreal. It’s hilarious when Chains takes him into church with him. Brook on the other hand can be a bit dramatic but she’s got every one of the men here wrapped around her finger. Including the boys.
Marcus especially. The moment she started crawling he was there to make sure she didn’t get into anything she shouldn’t. It’s cute and now that Marcus and Micah’s little sister, Lucy, is here, they’re the same with her. Constantly watching over her.
Following Chains into the twins’ room next to ours, he releases my hand immediately and blocks me from entering fully. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he yells.
Peeking around him, my eyes widen and anger boils within me. Standing next to my daughter, is one of the new strays, Sera, whispering as she held my daughter in her arms.
“Give me my daughter,” I snap, pushing my way past Chains. You don’t stand between a mother and her children.
“I was only trying to calm her down since you were too busy to come yourself,” Sera sneers, with a curl of her lip at me as I rip my daughter out of her arms. “Do you not know how to be a mom at all?”
“Excuse me, bitch, but you have no right to come in this room,” I growl.
“Well then you should take better care of your children,” she retorts then turns her attention to Chains as he moves further into the room and our son. “Chains, I’m sorry if I did something wrong but I hate hearing a baby’s cry.”
I swear the bitch has the nerve to bat her eyes at my man in front of me. If I wasn’t holding Brook, I’d poke Sera’s eyes out.
“You ever come in my kids’ room or speak to my ol’ lady like that again, your ass isn’t just out of this clubhouse, it’s in the fuckin’ ground, am I understood?” he snarls, stepping closer to me after grabbing River.
“I was only trying to help. And it’s not like I didn’t speak the truth, your daughter was crying. She needed to be checked on, while her so called mother was busy.” Sera says in her defense, which truly pisses me off as she blames me for not being there for my daughter.
“I won’t tell you again. I hear you bad mouth my ol’ lady and we’re gonna have problems. Get the fuck out, Sera, and stay the hell away from my family,” Chains roars, his hand he’d wrapped around my shoulders tightens as he pulls me more firmly into his body.
Without responding Sera rushes out of the room.
I step out of Chains’ grip, move to the door, and close it. I turn back to him and cuddle Brook closer. “I don’t like the fact she was in here holding our daughter,” I state.
“I don’t either. She shouldn’t have been in here period.” Chains nods. “I sure as fuck didn’t like her speaking of you the way she did. Bitch has been sniffing around me since she got here. I knew she’d be a problem but if this is her game plan, I’m putting it for a club vote and sending her ass to another club.”
“She’s been sniffing around you because you’re hot and the top dog around here,” I mutter as I move to the changing station. I’m not blind to know women want what I have, I also know I don’t have to worry about anything when it comes to Chains, he’s completely committed to being with me and me alone.
“Bitsy,” Chains murmurs, his front comes flush with my back as he steps up behind me. River babbles at my feet, letting me know his dad put him down. I try to focus on changing Brook’s diaper as Chains swipes my hair over my shoulder, exposing my neck. At the press of his firm lips against my neck, I bite my own. He knows I love it when he touches me there. I find it intimate and only something he’s allowed to do. “You have nothing to worry about.”
“I know I don’t but I’ll tell you this, she comes near River or Brook again, I won’t be responsible for my actions,” I grumble as I finish with Brook and zip her sleeper back up into place. I pick her up in my arms and turn to Chains. Immediately he takes her into his arms.
“Hey, princess,” he mumbles, giving her a kiss on the cheek and returns his focus to me. “You will be fully in your right to, baby, but like I said I’m not putting up with any drama in this club not when all of us have been through enough and finally have a moment to breathe. I’m bringing it up for club vote to send her to one of the other charters,” he says in a voice that leaves no room for argument.
Like I would actually argue over someone like Sera. Yeah right. That’s not about to happen.
“Okay, Darren,” I whisper with a nod. Bending at the knee, I pick River up and change his diaper.
“Love you, Bitsy, you and our kids. Can’t wait to marry you.” And there goes my heart fluttering away at his words.
“I love you too, Darren. I can’t wait either. Just so you know I don�
��t want a wedding. I want you to take me somewhere and marry me right away. Weddings are too much of a headache,” I say, shrugging.
Who am I kidding? Sure they’re headaches but what girl doesn’t want to have a wedding. Though I never thought about it growing up, I did when I got with Chains. I used to think about having him standing outside as each of his brothers would hit the throttle on their bikes loudly as I smiled at my man, while I proudly walked in his direction. And of course, I wouldn’t have been in the traditional white dress. Nope, for my wedding I wanted a beautiful lavender color.
“Bitsy, I know you better than that. I’m betting you want a small something for the club here and for the ’members of the Devil’s Riot to be here for it,” he chuckles.
“Well, I suppose. I mean I’m sure Victoria would be upset if she wasn’t here to see you get married,” I say, giving him a grin. He knows she wouldn’t be upset she’d be ticked to high heaven about it. Same with a majority of the members of the club, they see me as a member of their family though I’m no longer up there in Virginia. It’s vice versa with Victoria, Raven, and Harlow here.
Funny how things happen and connect two clubs in such a solid way. The alliance between the Devil’s Riot and Inferno’s Clutch is solid in ways only something severely drastic would have to affect that. Which is something I hope never happens.
“You got a point there, baby. How about you plan something small for two weeks from today? Get with the other ol’ ladies, invite who you want we’ll have it here at the clubhouse. This will also give me a chance to finalize some things for the club and us to find someone to watch the kids for a few days. I’m taking you away for a few days so don’t bother packing anything, you won’t need nothing to wear but the clothes to get there and back.”
Oh wow, I love the idea and two weeks fits perfectly because I have something to tell him and I’m not sure how well he’s gonna take it. I know when I had the twins it scared him that he could have lost me. But now I’m pregnant again and scared to tell him.
Chapter Three
Finding Sera in the twins’ room not only pissed me off, but the way she’d been holding Brook and cooing sat wrong in my gut. One, she shouldn’t have been in my kids’ room and second, she verbally attacked my woman in my presence.
This club has already been through enough drama, I’m not about to be put through more. Not if I can help it. Especially since I asked my woman to marry me and she agreed. That whole shit about her not wanting a wedding, I knew was bullshit. It’s why I’m giving her two weeks to put together something she would want.
After helping her with the twins’ breakfast, I get her and them back to Tiny’s and my room. I’m not trusting the twins out of either of our sights right now. I told Tiny we’d put them in the playpen in here for their nap this morning. I didn’t want to leave them but we have church this morning. Shit had to be handled and being Prez isn’t always horseshoes and rainbows. Somedays it could really be aggravating.
“I want you to stay in the room until we finish in church today, okay,” I state to Tiny as I sit Brook in her playpen and give her the stuffed gator Ryder gave to her. Don’t know what the kid sees in the toy but she doesn’t like not having it with her.
“Promise, I’ll stay in here with them. Maybe this afternoon we can get out of the club for a while, the four of us, go do something interesting?” she asks, rather than suggesting as she places River in his own playpen.
“Yeah, we can do that, Bitsy.” I nod in agreement and pull her into my arms. “I’ll be back in here to get you soon as church is over with. Go ahead and get ready.”
“Okay,” she murmurs, laying her head against my chest.
Kissing the top of her head, I walk her to the edge of the bed and lay her down with my arms caging her in on both sides. I lean down and press my mouth to hers sliding my tongue straight in as soon as she opens in invitation. Tiny is like a drug I can’t quit, that I wouldn’t want to quit. She consumes my entire being.
The twins babbling penetrates through the lustful haze in my mind. Damnit.
Breaking the kiss, I lift my head slightly and rest my forehead to Tiny’s. “Tonight, after the kids go to sleep, your ass is mine,” I growl.
“Sounds like a plan,” she giggles, her fingers trailing circles on my arms.
I give her one last wistful kiss and push myself up off the bed. “I’ll be back in a little while.”
“We’ll be here.” She nods.
Leaving her to it, I turn and glance down at River and Brook to see them both smiling at me. River reaches his arms out wanting me to pick him up. “Sorry, lil’ man, not this time,” I mutter and leave the room.
I make my way down the hallway toward the room where we hold church near the main room. My mind plays over this morning and the interaction with Sera in the kids’ room. I still don’t understand why she would be in the twins’ room. Sera might have said one thing but I don’t believe her.
I’ll see if my brothers have an objection to do what we did with Vix. She was given to Marker, the Prez of the Arizona charter. From what I’ve been told she’s not liking her life too much out there as she’s not getting dick all from them. I knew sending her to Marker would be a better punishment than sending her to Risk in Florida.
All together we have five charters, ours here, Risk’s, Marker’s, then there’s one in Nebraska run by Lobo, and the last one is in Montana right near the Canadian Border with Mountain in charge. Each of them are Prez’s to their own club but essentially all report to me as I’m the Prez of the national charter for the Inferno’s Clutch. The club started here in Louisiana and I’m proud to be in the position I am today.
I step into the room to find Tyres, Brake, and Breaker already in their seats. Others start coming in behind me. Glancing to my VP I can nearly taste the anger pouring off him. Ever since we found out he had a kid; he’s been angrier than normal. His daughter, Wren, is a sweetheart and Tyres adores her though I know he’s struggling with being a single parent.
“What’s up your ass today?” I ask, taking my seat.
“Fuckin’ didn’t sleep for shit last night, I had to take Wren to the ER last night because she was struggling to breathe. They had to give her a breathing treatment and suggested I get her to a pulmonology doctor. Swear I’m gonna end up killing the kid one day,” he mutters.
“Where’s she now?” Brake asks, his brows furrowed as he looks to his twin brother.
“She’s with Lyrica right now,” he says. Fuse’s attention is caught as he enters the room.
“What about Lyrica?” he grumbles.
“She’s watching Wren,” Breaker grunts.
“At least she’s doing something besides standing around do shit all,” Fuse growls.
I don’t know what’s going on between Fuse and Lyrica but for some reason my brother is completely out of sorts when it comes to the woman. He’s been this way from the moment Lyrica moved here with Faith.
Shaking my head, I decide not to go there with him right now. Lyrica has been good to have around here since she’s helped out a lot with all the kids whenever any of us have needed the extra pair of hands. On top of all she does for the ol’ ladies she works constantly. I don’t even think the woman actually sleeps. If Fuse were to really look at Lyrica, he would see the dark circles under her eyes. However, it’s not my shit to deal with.
Soon as the door closes, I lift the gavel and bring it down on the table calling church to session. “Before we start, I’m calling for a vote to send Sera to another clubhouse,” I state.
“Why?” Brake asks, his shoulders tightening.
“The bitch was in the twins’ room this morning, holding Brook in her arms. She then said directly in front of me that Tiny wasn’t a good mother,” I inform him. “We’ve already dealt with enough drama over the past several years between Deanna and all her bullshit then shooting me, the fuck head who came after Nora, Brielle’s ex, and the asshole stalker who wan
ted Faith as his. If I can keep anything else from happening then I’m gonna do it by chopping the head directly off.”
“I agree with Prez,” Tyres mutters. “If the bitch had been in Wren’s room, I’d have shot her straight between the eyes. No one touches her without permission. If you’re not family then fuck off.”
Yep, Tyres is protective of his little girl. From the moment he got back from Virginia with her, my VP has changed from a man who fucked the strays all the time to a man who prefers to take care of Wren. I think a lot of him being as he is, is due to his fuckin’ bitch of a mother. I’m glad he and Brake were there when shit went down with Raven. They were both able to be a part of their bitch of a mothers’ demise along with our aunt, Arlene, Breaker’s mother. Breaker had been livid he hadn’t been able to be a part of it all.
“Yeah, Sera had no right goin’ into the twins’ room. Why the hell was she down that hallway anyway?” Ryder mutters.
“I’d like to know the same thing,” I growl, glancing to Fuse to see him doing something on the tablet he keeps in here.
“Don’t know, Prez. She’s not popping up on the security cameras. Let me . . .” Fuse frowns as he continues to look at his tablet. “Shit, Prez, this isn’t good. From what I’ve just seen you’re not gonna be happy,” he says, sliding the device across the table.
Picking it up, I play through the footage my gaze narrowing by the second as I watch Sera go into my kids’ room. Shortly after that Tiny and I approach the door holding the twins. Shit, this bitch was in there all night. But, where the fuck was she? I didn’t see her in there. Could she have been in the closet?
“That’s it, this bitch needs to go,” I snarl, as thoughts of something happening to River or Brook fills my head. “Does anyone have an issue with her leaving this clubhouse? And I’m changing my decision of sending her to another charter. Her ass is out on the streets.”
My brothers all voice their thoughts about the situation as they agree with me. She needs to go. I nod. “Soon as we finish, Shock, I want you and Steel to escort the bitch off the property and make sure to tell Rig and Bender she’s not allowed back.”