Tiny's Hope
Tiny’s Hope
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are all products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblances to persons, organizations, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Tiny’s Hope. Copyright © 2021 by E.C. Land. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author, except in the case of brief quotations used in articles or reviews. For information, contact E.C. Land.
With there being characters mentioned from Elizabeth Knox’s series, I have her permission in using these characters.
Cover Design by Charli Childs, Cosmic Letterz Cover Design
Editing by Kim Lubbers
Formatting by E.C. Land
Proofreading by Jackie Ziegler
Created with Vellum
Family Connections
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Trigger Warning
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Available Now
Coming Soon
Available on Audible
Social Media
To those who need a little hope in their lives. Nothing is out of reach as long as you still have hope in yourself.
My Husband and Kiddos – To my husband who has always been the one to support our family. If he didn’t encourage me to follow my dreams and give it a chance, I wouldn’t be where I am now. He’s put up with my ramblings and throwing ideas around no matter how annoying I can be about it. Also have to be thankful for him being there to send me inspirational music when I need it most. My kiddos, who find what I do, as they put it, cool and want to know how many words I was able to get in each day. They also like to try and help me come up with plot ideas. Some are just as wicked as my own. I also enjoy the fact they come to me when they need help with finding things wrong in their own work wanting to understand better in how things are supposed to be done.
My Betas – You guys rock! Thank you all for being the first to read the stories as they come alive. It means the world to me. Especially when you all start to get mad. That’s when I know I’m doing something right. And in doing so pushing me to keep going with all the different plots that form in my head. I’m thankful to you all for being ready and willing to read and give your input.
My Knox Publishing People – If it wasn’t for you all being helpful and encouraging when I need it, I don’t know what I’d do without you all. You’re all wonderful in your own right and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The biggest thing I’ve got to say I’m thankful for most, is the fact I’m able to be around those who understand the way my mind works. Each and every one of you have earned a special place in my life, one way or another.
Liz – My sister from another mister, my best friend and Publisher/Boss. You’re my go to when I need it. If not for you, I don’t know if I’d ever be where I am today with my writing. Thank you for always pushing me and encouraging me.
Diane – Without you taking everything on for me, I wouldn’t be able to focus the way I do on my writing. Thank you for everything you do. You’re not just my PA, you’re my friend and I couldn’t ask for a better friend than you.
Kim and Jackie – I know I’m a pain in the rear; however, you both put up with me. Thank you both for taking on all of my work. I love the fact I work with you both on each of them. Also, the fact when it comes to something I miss, you help me understand how to correct it, so it doesn’t happen again.
Family Connections
To Founding Members
Reno (deceased) – Father to Chains and Victoria
Irène (Never Married) – Mother to Tyres and Brake
(Father Louis Pelletier)
Arlene (Never Married) – Mother to Breaker
(Father Henry Pelletier)
Ryder/Owen – Adoptive father to Marcus and Micah, Father to Lucy
Fury (married to Ela) – Father to Pitch Black and Raven
Scarlett (Married husband deceased) – Mother to Lynch and Harlow
Rico – Father to Axel
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Louisiana Charter
President – Chains – Ol’ Lady – Tiny (Sloane)
(Children – River & Brook)
Vice President – Tyres
SAA – Breaker – Ol’ Lady – Spitfire (Nora)
(Children – Owen)
Road Captain – Brake
Enforcer – Pitch Black – Ol’ Lady – Angelina
(Children – Carson)
Former Prez – Ryder – Ol’ Lady – Brielle
(Children – Micah, Marcus, & Lucy)
Medic – Pipe
Hacker – Fuse
Former Road Captain – Fury – Ol’ Lady – Ela
(Children – Raven and Pitch Black)
Treasurer – Axel – Ol’ Lady – Faith
(Children – Alec & Derrick)
Member – Speed
Member – Throttle
Member – Crash
Member – Pedal
Member – Spark
Member – Frame
Member – Lynch
Member – Shock
Member – Steel
Prospect – Rig
Prospect – Bender
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Arizona Charter
President – Marker
VP – Digger
SAA – Sawdust
Road Captain – Links
Enforcer – Snaps
Medic – Slice
Hacker – Surge
Treasurer – Maverick
Member – Dog
Member – Drifter
Member – Shooter
Member – Mayhem
Member – Creeper
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Florida Charter
President – Risk
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Nebraska Charter
President – Lobo
Inferno’s Clutch MC
Montana Charter
President – Mountain
Trigger Warning
This content is intended for mature audiences only. It contains material that may be viewed as offensive to some readers, including graphic language, dangerous and sexual situations, murder, rape, and extreme violence.
Proceed with caution. This book does entail several scenes that may very well be a trigger to some.
Also, tissues are a must with other scenes.
Not for the faint at heart.
If you don’t like violence and cannot handle certain subjects, then this is not a book you’ll want to read.
Silent Theory – Watch Me Burn
Brabo Gator (Ft. Ky Rodgers) – Smile Again
Nu Breed (Ft. Jesse Howard) – Outlaw Man
Crucifix – Chernobyl
Savannah Dexter (Ft. Adam Calhoun) – Just Hold On
Wade B – Believe In
bsp; Tyler Braden – Leave Me Alone
Breadwin Deville (ft. Juice Daley & Whiskey Waters) – King Again
Nu Breed (Ft. Jesse Howard) – Welcome To My House
Look around you
It’s everywhere
Yet it’s nowhere
Look in the mirror and you’ll see
Deep within you, you’ll find it
Hope comes from who you are
Not from those around
It surrounds you
As long as you allow it
Look to your left you’ll feel it touch you
Look to your right you’ll hear it
Hope doesn’t have to be wishful thought
It’s everywhere
Yet it’s nowhere
Find the love within yourself
The confidence you need to feel
And you’ll finally understand
Hope consumes your being
~ E.C. Land
Age 16
“You have a beautiful breeder, Vincent.” A fearful shiver flows through my body at this man’s words as he eyes me while speaking to my father.
“That I do, Nixon, if only her cunt of a mother would have been as useful,” my father sneers, his hand runs through my hair and grips a chunk of it in his fist.
“Do you believe she’ll be able to produce the sons I’m wanting?” Nixon asks, his eyes grazing my body.
I’m sure he’s envisioning me without the clothes I’m wearing.
“Without a doubt, I’ve had the doctors test her to make sure she was indeed fertile and will be able to breed plentiful.” I inwardly cringe at being spoken of as if I were nothing more than a farm animal.
“Then good, I’ll be back to claim her on her seventeenth birthday and I expect her to still have her virtue intact. I look forward to taking that myself,” Nixon says, causing my stomach to churn as he speaks to my father. Turning to me he takes a step forward. “I also look forward to seeing just how radiant your body really is. If you are good then I’ll keep you around for a long while.”
I swallow the bile back down as it starts to come up and nod. I’m not allowed to speak or meet any of the men’s gazes who come to see my father. No, I’m to stand still and be leered at as I stand off to the side near my father.
Father, ha that’s a good one. If only that were true, I wouldn’t be standing here as he barters with this Nixon man.
“Sloane will be ready for you when she is seventeen and she’s trained well in keeping to the rules I’ve laid out for her,” my father says, praising me.
Please someone save me from this nightmare.
“Then you’ll have what you need each month,” Nixon says, sticking his hand out in front of him. My father reaches his free one out and clasps hands with him.
“Appreciated, Nixon.”
The two of them share a few more words before Nixon leaves. Soon as the door closes, my father turns on me. As he releases my hair the back of his other hand catches the side of my face.
“Eight months left of your worthless cunt in this house. Now get on your knees and crawl to the corner. I have more company coming and I don’t want you in the way,” he sneers.
Great he has more company coming meaning the women he screws will be here and I have to endure seeing him slide his nasty cock into them.
Why can’t I escape this place?
I need to find a way to get out of here.
I don’t want to be a breeder, or anything else of the sort. I want to be my own person, but I know if I ever escape this dreadful place, I will have to hide for the rest of my life.
I can only hope I get the chance to run.
Age 20
Three days after my father’s meeting with Nixon, I somehow found a way to escape and made my way down south.
Living on the streets hasn’t been easy. There’re not many ways someone my age can make money to survive without ending up doing something I didn’t want to do.
I ended up making my way to Virginia without my dad finding me these past several years and I did it staying invisible. I came across the Devil’s Riot MC and thought if anyone could hide me, they could. I tried to be one of the clubwhores in their club but after giving a blowjob to one man, I couldn’t do it. I knew I wasn’t that type of girl to spread for everyone. So, I’d come clean to the Prez, Stoney, who ironically was the same man I went down on. I explained to him and his VP and they understood and decided to keep me around, hiring me on as the bartender for the club, some days I go over to their strip club and help out there but I’m never without someone nearby to protect me.
Then everything went south as men stormed into the club and attacked the women of the club while the men were out. I’d nearly lost my life that night. Afterwards I rarely came out of my room or could be around the men without flinching.
When Tracker’s ol’ lady suggested I go to a different club, one where I wasn’t reminded constantly of the attack, I instantly agreed with her. I love the guys around the club but I’m terrified of what might happen to me all over again.
Little did I know just how much my life was going to change. I only hope in the end, I’ll be able to somewhat live a life without fear.
Chapter One
Leaning against the headboard, my eyes closed, I allow myself these few moments of bliss as I feel my ol’ lady’s mouth around my cock. Fuckin’ love when she goes down on me. I slide my fingers through her hair entwining my fingers within her long locks.
Since I first met her, Tiny has grown her hair out quite a lot, it now comes down to her lower back.
As Tiny swirls her tongue around the tip of my cock, I know if I don’t pull her back, I’ll blow soon and I prefer to do so in her pussy.
“Bitsy,” I groan, as I tug on her hair pulling her mouth off me. Tiny makes her protest clear that she wasn’t done with me by lifting her head to glare at me. “Climb up here and sink that pussy down on my cock baby,” I command, releasing her hair. Tiny’s eyes flicker with lust as she does what she’s told and starts crawling up my body, pressing kisses along my torso. Reaching over to the top of the nightstand, I grab one of the condoms sitting there. I know my woman takes birth control pills religiously but had the scare of possibly losing her when she had River and Brook, I’m not taking the chance again.
I thought about getting a vasectomy but then again, I didn’t want some doctor near my dick. I’ve heard stories of shit going wrong where they end up fuckin’ shit up.
Soon as I have the condom rolled over myself, Tiny sinks down taking me all the way in to the hilt. Fuck if she doesn’t feel good.
I grip her and help guide her as she starts to grind herself on me. With her head thrown back, she cups her tits as she knows I like for her to and picks up her pace. I feel her pussy clenching around my cock and I know she’s about to make herself come. Wanting to be the one to pound it out of her I flip us until she’s on her back with me hovering over her with my arms caging her in.
Thrusting I give it to her hard. Over the two years, I’ve fucked my woman in more ways than I can count and my favorite is right here as she takes everything I give her.
Our eyes connect and I hold Tiny’s gaze as her orgasm assails her, she calls my name while her pussy sucks the come out of my cock.
“Fuck, Bitsy, love it when you clench my cock like that,” I groan, stilling inside her.
“Hm,” Tiny moans, giving me one of her smiles that only I get.
Sure, she smiles at our kids, but only I get this one smile from her. Sometimes I kick myself for not putting a ring on her finger and giving her my last name. I should have done it by now but with everything going on around the club, I haven’t found the right time. Then she’d had the kids and I intended to take her out of there and marry her right away but taking care of River and Brook became a priority for the both of us.
I’d feared what my si
ster dealt with and even Pitch Black’s sister when they had their kids, I didn’t want to have to face that with my own children. I lost both my parents and I can’t think of the possibility of losing either of my kids let alone Tiny. They mean everything to me.
Maybe I just need to put the ring on her finger and say fuck it we’re getting married. I want her to have my name. To officially be mine.
We haven’t had a lot of time for the two of us to be alone together unless it’s in this bed. Shit we’re still living in the clubhouse; I haven’t wanted to move us out of it. I have thought about building a house off to the side some. It’s not like we don’t have the space to do so. Just a matter of clearing some land for it. It’s a good idea to do and I’m thinking it might be worth it.
“I love you, Darren,” Tiny whispers, her eyes soft as she reaches up to cup either side of my face.
Fuck it, I’m tired of waiting.
“Love you too, Bitsy. I want you to officially be mine,” I say, leaning down to press a tender kiss to her lips.
“I am yours though,” she murmurs, brows furrowing.